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could be. prepared on the water quality issues that would address <br /> sore of the 'ublic concern. <br /> Mr. Storrs responded MCLP could show nitrate levels and <br /> document the fact that MCLP will continue to treat and dispose <br /> on-site until there 1s an off-site option, or take in existing <br /> users onto a public plant which would prove to be a net -decrease <br /> to the Mashpee River. <br /> Ir. Fudala suggested illustrating the Commission' s build out <br /> for the mashpee River recharge area ifi terms of nitrogen loading <br /> indicating the Mashpee Commons percentage under each scenario, <br /> and to show the nitrogen load for a proj ect such as Deer Crossing <br /> which is on septic systems. <br /> After some discussion of this matter, Ms. Kane commented <br /> that everyone .is aware the Mashpee River is presently overloaded <br /> with nitrogen and, that any amount of nitrogen added through new <br /> cons-truction is a cause for concern. The issue of residential <br /> septic systems will be addressed at -sone point in the future- upon <br /> completion of Dr. Howes , two year study. <br /> Mr. whritenour agreed with the statements rade by the <br /> previus speaker and stated he felt it would be beneficial if <br /> L l could state they would not negatively impact the grater <br /> quality of .this Community, but would also contribute t-o a <br /> positive reduction in the amount of nitrates going into the <br /> mashpee River watershed. <br /> At this point of the Meeting, Mr. Fudala requested timO to <br /> present fire ( zoning Articles. <br /> Ar extdment to OSID Zoning Bylaw Section 174+ a -Pe mitted <br /> uses, single family townhouses on a separate lot qualify for <br /> creation of such a lot, ,1 . 5 residential units, without a bedroom <br /> cap <br /> (e) Tho one hundred 100 foot restriction on building wall <br /> or plane has been limited to residential buildings specifically. <br /> Refers to the restriction of sewage treatment plant or <br /> trash storage buildings within three hundred o 'feet of the <br /> perimeter of the project. The distance has been reduced to two <br /> hundred. (200) feet . <br /> ( Clarifies this applies only to entirely residentially <br /> zoned land. <br /> New section allowing for no.n-residential uses .in mixed <br /> use developments remain under the existing Subsection H (mixed <br /> use list) . <br /> subsection .D a -I s ars update on the Soil Survey. <br /> -1 - x <br />