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remedy the situation with the voters. <br /> Mr. Fudala suggested it is critical for MCLP to convince the <br /> Planning Board to support the Article. <br /> Selectman Leveille suggested MLP address the regulatory <br /> organizations to their satisfaction, listen to the public <br /> concerns, and offer a genuine educational process to the people. <br /> 5 <br /> . Fudala further mentioned the very serious issue o <br /> wastewater, noting an exact plan in this regard has not been <br /> presented. <br /> Mr. Ferguson expressed agreement with the issues rai sed b <br /> Mr. Fudala. He mentioned the original plan to conduct' three <br /> general meetings with members of the pbl i , noting they are no <br /> longer necessary as the proposal is now for very minor changes <br /> that will benefit the Town as a whole, but which concept is not <br /> understood b' the voters. H suggested some public meetings be <br /> conducted-, although the persons responsible for conducting such <br /> was not clear. <br /> Selectman Leveille recognized Beverly Kane, who stated that <br /> -the defeat of the Zoning Article in May was not solely due to the <br /> fact the Planning Board had not endorsed it, but that the <br /> informational hearings were not held, as promised. She too feels <br /> MCLP has not moved forward and in tuns of convincing the citizens <br /> they should vote in support `of the Article. She suggested MLP <br /> get the information out to the public and stated the wastewater <br /> is an important issue. <br /> Mr. Chace asked Ms. Kane which item of , wastewater should be <br /> Pres nted. The proposed zoning amendments will create less <br /> wastewater than: the a ist in , the gallonage will not be <br /> determined until the regulatory process is accomplished. <br /> MS . Kane stated at one ,point MLP promised certain impact <br /> information via informational heariftgs, it now Bounds as though <br /> M LP is suggesting concerned citizens follow the regulatory <br /> process through MP . 'and the Cape Cod Commission for answers. <br /> Mr. Storrs recalled the initial purpose of this Conmittee, <br /> as well as the initial proposal . Thi8 Conunittee has requested <br /> MLP to live within the existing toting as much as possible and <br /> to reduce the nu tb r of units/square footage, which negates the <br /> process of public hearing and impact studies. <br /> Mr. Storrs acknowledged the need to educate the voters and <br /> to acquire Planning Board, Town Planner, selectmen; and Advisory <br /> Committee endorsement . <br /> Mr. W r i t enour acknowledged the amount of progress made on <br /> the fiscal impacts of the project, and inquired if something <br /> . <br /> i <br />