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i <br /> M SHPEE SCHOOL COMMITTEE - REGULAR MEETING i FEBRUARY 2, 1994 PAGE <br /> X. Motion made by Mar. Consalvi, seconded by Dr. Petti, to <br /> Executive move into executive session at 8:25 p.m. to discuss <br /> Session grievance and negotiations. <br /> Roll Call Vote: In favor - Ms. Gibbs, Mrs. Mills, Mir. <br />, and Dr. Petti; opposed - none. <br /> On a motion by Mrs. Nulls and seconded by Mr. Consalvi, <br /> the Committee voted to deny Mr. Ted `Rourke's <br /> grievance and send it to the ret level. <br /> Moll Call vote: In favor - Mrs. Mills, Dr. Petti, and <br /> Mr. onsalvi; abstention - Ms. Gibbs; opposed - roue. <br /> XIe On a motion by Mr. Consalvi and seconded by Mrs. Mills, <br /> Adjourrunent the School Committee voted to adjourn the regular <br /> meeting a :20 p.m. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Marjorie R. O'Brien <br /> Board secretary <br />