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qf'.Allashpee <br /> jlisiop-ical <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> psi Mashpee,, Massachusetts 02649 <br /> Telephone - (508) 539-1438 <br /> MASfWEE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> Minutes of Meeting—December 21, 2017 <br /> The Mashpee Historical Commission meeting was called to order by Ava Costello, Chair, at 4:40 pm. <br /> Commissioners Present: Ava Costello, Richard DeSorgher, Brian Hyde, Rosemary Love, and Nancy <br /> Soderberg, <br /> Commissioners not Present: Gordon Peters, and Joan Tavares-Avant. Joan attended by phone for <br /> part of the meeting but was not part of any vote. <br /> Guest Present., David Weeden, representative of the Tribal Historic Preservation Department. <br /> Brian made a motion to approve the Minutes from the November 16th meeting. The motion was <br /> seconded by Rosemary. <br /> Brian moved that the first item of business be the presentation by David Weeden regarding the <br /> Parsonage. David briefly discussed some of the history and prior uses of the building. He discussed <br /> some of the steps that the Tribe has taken over the last few years to get estimates to determine how <br /> much it would cost to restore the building. He informed us that they plan to do the restoration in <br /> different phases. The costs will be considerable because the building at this point is in total disrepair. <br /> They need to hire an architect immediately to document the architectural components of the building <br /> and determine if it can be saved or needs to be rebuilt keeping the historical facade. <br /> The Tribe is seeking the necessary funds to do the work from different sources. They are looking into <br /> possibly requesting funding from Mashpee CPC funds, funds from the Massachusetts Historical <br /> Commission and other sources for pre-development costs, and other sources. They will also be <br /> seeking assistance from institutions of higher education who have archeological and restoration <br /> programs, such as the University of Massachusetts. David came to our meeting seeking the approval <br /> of the Mashpee Historical Commission to recognize the historical significance of the building and the <br /> urgency to begin the process of trying to save it. <br /> Richard made a motion that the Mashpee Historical Commission support the preservation and <br /> restoration of the Parsonage, located at 431 Main Street in the Historic District, and make it a high <br /> priority. Nancy seconded the motion, and it was unanimously voted by our Commission members. <br />