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r <br /> MASHPEE SCHOOL COMMITTEE <br /> SPECIAL MEETING <br /> FEBRUARY 20, 1997. <br /> Minutes <br /> Attendees: Chairman Stephen Paxton, Kathleen Lynch, Theresa <br /> Cook, and Maryanne Macdonald. Janice Mills was absent tonight. <br /> Also in attendance was Superintendent Dr. Lincoln A. DeMoura. <br /> Mr. Paxton called the special meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in <br /> IVs ashpee High School Conference born B 103. <br /> Dr. DeMoura presented the Technology flan that had been <br /> discussed at the regular meeting of February 3rd, He said it was <br /> important to submit this document to the state because the state <br /> has allocated $30 per student for technology planning and because <br /> it is important to "get in the funding stream" as it requires <br /> approval by the Board of Education as well as the Department of- <br /> Revenue. <br /> fRevenue. <br /> Stating the most the school department could get from this <br /> Technology Plan would- e approximately $60,000, fir. DeMoura <br /> recommended approval of the Technology plan. <br /> Motion made by Mrs. Cook to submit the Technology Plan to the <br /> Department of Education, seconded by Mrs. Lynch. <br /> TE: In favor - Mr. Paxton, Mrs. Cool, Ms. Macdonald; <br /> abstained - Mrs. lynch. <br /> Dr. DeMoura hien discussed each item in the "FY97 Budget- <br /> Review" document (see Exhibit A). <br /> Ms. Macdonald questioned hove could the school department deficit{ <br /> of $111,000 last month be reduced to $76)000 this month? Dr.. <br /> fi eMoura responded saying that -most of the money is from savings <br /> in school utilities clue to the mild winter this year. Also, h <br /> explained other savings occurred because some positions have not <br /> been filled as yet, i.e., the Quashnet Valley librarian. Also there is <br /> a high school teacher who has. been out most ofthe year and <br /> someone was hired at a lower rate. <br />