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HPEE SCHOOL COMMITTEE - REGULAR MEETING ` APRIL 2, 1997 PHAGE 11 <br /> 9.7 Dpav on the Hill - Mai 7 & 8,1997 - Dr. I e1 Moura reiterated this <br /> annual MASC day that takes place at the State House and asked for- <br /> Committee attendance. <br /> Due to the lateness of the hour, it was decided the remainder of the <br /> agenda would be deferred until the May meeting which include <br /> Curriculum Reviews and Committee Reports. <br /> ecutive Motion made by Mrs. Cook, seconded by Mrs. Mills, to move into <br /> scion to discuss strategy for negotiations at 10:39 p.m. <br /> Doll Call Note: In favor -- Mr. Paxton, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Mills, <br /> and Ms. Macdonald; opposed - none. <br /> I. Motion rade by Mrs. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Cook, to adjourn the <br /> ournment regular meeting at 1.:00 p.m. <br /> TE: Unanimous <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> K9- <br /> Marjorie <br /> R. OBrien <br /> School Committee Secretary <br />