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MASHPEE SCHOOL COMMITTEE - REGULAR MEETING -- JULY 21 1997 PAGE 12 <br /> Mrs. Parolski then said 22 educators worked on the K-8 reading revision <br /> this year and gave a brief outline of the curriculum. She also <br /> commended Patricia Kenney and Sandra Feeley and thein committee for <br /> their efforts,to devising this curriculum. <br /> Motion made by Mrs. Mills, seconded by Mrs. Cool, to accept the <br /> Reading Curriculum as printed. <br /> Mrs. Mills commended the reading curriculum committee noting <br /> phonetic instructions for kindergarten, Grade I and Grade 2 and also <br /> said 1 lash ee does not teach a whole language program. <br /> More discussion followed with Mr-s. Lynch sang that Mrs. Sprout's <br /> concerns as mentioned earlier in the meeting) should be addressed as <br /> she is a member of the reading curriculum committee. <br /> OTE In favor - Mrs. Cook, Ills. Macdonald, Mrs. Mills, and Mr. Paxton; <br /> opposed - Mrs. Lynch. <br /> .2 Grade 3 Iowa 'Test Results - Dr. DeMoura outlined the Iowa Fest <br /> District Reports for grade 3. 'There were 179 participants who were <br /> scored on one of four levels - Advanced Reader, Proficient Reader, Basic <br /> Reader, and Pre-Reader. He said the majority of the students were <br /> "Basic Reader" or above. <br /> .3 SuEplus Equipment - Motion made by Mrs. Cool, seconded by Mr. <br /> Paxton, to declare old computer equipment as surplus. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous <br /> X. Due to the lateness of the hour 1:00 p.m.), Committee Reports will <br /> Committee be discussed at the next meeting. <br /> Reports <br /> XI. Discussed earlier in the evening. <br /> Executive <br /> Session <br />