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MASHPEE SCHOOL COMMITTEE - REGULAR MEETING MARCH 4, 1998 PAGE <br /> 7.7 Isiah School Activity Funds Audit Draft Report - Dr. <br /> DeMoura explained an audit had been completed for the high <br /> school activity funds as of dune 30, 1997. There were five <br /> suggestions for future reference. They were: <br /> 1. For aline Policies and Procedures <br /> 2. Approve All Invoices for Payment <br /> 3. obtain Sufficient Supporting Documentation <br /> . Reconcile Bank Statements to School Records <br /> . Transfer Records to a Bookkeeping Software Program <br /> Dr. DeMoura said hese recommendations will be incorporated into <br /> the accounting system. <br /> Mrs. Lynch suggested investigating all revolving accounts to <br /> ensure they do not go into deficit. <br /> 7.8 Retentions - Dr. DeMoura said that at the mid-point of the <br /> school year, the schools are showing possible. total retentions as <br /> follows: <br /> Coombs School - 15; Quashnet River - o; Quashnet <br /> Valley - 33; Mashpee High School - 68. <br /> Dr. DeMoura stressed these are pgssible retentions. As the end o <br /> the school year approaches, Mrs. Lynch asked to have a year-end <br /> report of actual retentions. <br /> Ms. Macdonald noted that grades 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 each have <br /> large number of retentions. I <br /> At this point, Dr. DeMoura referenced a document received from <br /> the Department of Education for FY96 Per Pupil Expenditures. In <br /> it, Mashpee per pupil expenditure was $4,505 with the state <br /> average being $5,750, <br /> He further stated that as shorn in the "Preliminary Estimates of <br /> F'Y99 School Spending Requirements" documents Mashpee's <br /> Preliminary Chapter 70 funds are $1,834,837 which is higher than <br /> the earlier preliminary estimate. <br />