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IL <br /> s <br /> BOARD OF SELECTMEN <br /> I&INUTES REGULAR SESSION <br /> ONDAY, AUGUST 9 . 1988 <br /> PAGE TWO <br /> APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br /> There was a discussion with Kay Perry of seconsett Island regarding <br /> the anti-noise by-law. Mr. Gottlieb stated that the by-law should <br /> not read "not more than ' for the fine , There should be a set <br /> Mr, Lawrence did not agree ",with the section <br /> fine amount . _ <br /> w t <br /> with �48 h arning because he did not fel. tou <br /> ld-- <br /> 11� <br /> Mrs . rP Perry-ff It the fine should be $150 , 00 - $175 .00 for the first <br /> offense. <br /> All agreed that the wording needs to be changed and the new by-law <br /> will be ready for the November special Town Meeting Warrant . Also, <br /> it was agreed that,' anti-noi by-lags of surrounding towns. would <br /> be obtained to use a guide for the re-write. <br /> 4 . Michael. Hanlon of Weston & Sampson Engineers , Inc. attended to discuss <br /> with the Board the fact that DEQE has announced that all state monies <br /> for planning and design of aster pollution control facilities have <br /> been exhausted and that no additional grants can be offered by the State. <br /> Mr. Hanlon explained two state bills being proposed 1 . A one year <br /> "band-aid's bill which would allow the state to fund those projects <br /> which are presently -on the fundable portion of the priority list. <br /> 2 . A five year plan to allow the State to bond monies to fund existing <br /> and new projects for the next several years , The State hayindicated <br /> that at the earliest, monies will not become available until late fall. <br /> The Board -tentafively agreed to place an article on the warrant for <br /> the November -tial Town Meeting to appropriate the costs for the <br /> project and obtain approval from the state to proceed in a manner <br /> which would allow the Town to be reimbursed at a 90% level by the state <br /> for all work performed, Mr, Gottlieb tate 1 that he woulde s t iro <br /> from voting on this issue. - <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 1 . The Board discussed a parcel of property .identified as Map 69 , Lot 18 , <br /> off orchard Road of which oagui orates had written to the Town <br /> with interest . Mr. Murphy advised the Board that per the Tax Collector <br /> the parcel was foreclosed by the Town. Mr. Murphy also stated that <br /> since the property provides an access to orchard Road from a lame <br /> parcel of Town owned land, it would be in the best interest of the Town <br /> to hold onto the property. Mr. Murphy was instructed to respond to <br /> Mr, Gomes that the Town is not interested in selling the property., <br /> FL <br /> k <br /> d y <br />