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a1 <br /> BOARD OF SELECTMEN <br /> MINUTES I G LA SESSION <br /> MONDAY# AUGUST 227 1988 <br /> 'AGE THREE <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> #1 (Cont. ) <br /> or not be granted, on an arbitrary basis. Mr. Lawrence <br /> stated that before a decision could be made, some <br /> clarification would be required as to exactly what is being <br /> requested health insurance or all benefits) . It was agreed <br /> that -the Board would set guidelines for this type of <br /> situation. <br /> Mr. Gottlieb moved that the salary of Patrolman- Michael J . <br /> Sexton be raised to $438-84 per week effective September 2 . <br /> 1988# that the sa l ary of Pat ro l roan Randy J . Dee l 1 o be <br /> raised to $438.84 per week, effective September 2, 1988, and <br /> that the salary of Patrolman Matthew M. Clancy be raised to <br /> $438,84, effective September 2 , 1988. Mr . Hanson seconded <br /> the motion. All were in favor , ' <br /> 3t Mr, Gottlieb roved to appoint Deborah L . Lewis to be <br /> appointed as a Beard Secretary to the Planning Board. <br /> Mr. Carter seconded the motion. All were in favor. <br /> . Mr. Carter roved to grant a one day permit to the Mashpee <br /> om anoag Rod & Gun Club on August 28, 1988. Mrs . Jacobson <br /> seconded the motion. All were in favor. <br /> . The Board agreed to delay action on an application for <br /> permit from Seiler at New Seabury Restaurant since no <br /> response has been received to the letter from the Town <br /> indicating that Seiler Corporation should apply for a <br /> seasonal license, Mr. Lawrence did not participate in this <br /> discussion. <br /> The Board discussed a request for a street light from Lisa <br /> M. Smith of the Shields Company, The request was for a <br /> light to be placed on pole number WP - - 7/SPP/ - . It <br /> was agreed that a response be sent indicating that the Town <br /> is in the process of reviewing the street lights with COM <br /> Electric and would consider the request. <br /> 7 , The Board discussed a letter from Access House, a social <br /> service agency requesting funding assistance from the Town. <br /> The Board agreed that a .fetter should be sent informing <br /> Access House that they should submit an article for the <br /> Annual Town Meeting, explaining that procedure to them. <br />