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BOARD OF SELECTMEN <br /> MINUTES - REGULAR SESSION <br /> MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1988 <br /> PAGE THREE <br /> OLD BUSINESS (Cont . ) <br /> . The Board further discussed the change of street lights in <br /> the Town to sodium lights arid whether changes are required <br /> to location o street lights in the Town. <br /> Mr . Gottlieb moved to participate in the Commonwealth <br /> Electric str~eet light replacement program. Mr. Carter <br /> seconded the motion . All were in favor. Mr. Gottlieb <br /> stated that some fora of public notice should be issued. <br /> Mrs . Jacobson moved to hire two individuals to be trained by <br /> Commonwealth Electric to conduct a survey of street lights <br /> in the Town. l were in favor, Mr, Lawrence was not <br /> present for the vote. <br /> . The Board discussed a request for a street light on Route <br /> 130/Meadow Haven Drive. It was agreed that since this was <br /> the third request in three weeks that some criteria should <br /> be established where these types of reque5ts come in, i .e. , <br /> who should survey the area to determine whether e street <br /> light is necessary, Mr . Murphy informed the Board that <br /> material was submitted several years ago by the Chief o <br /> Police and himself and the Board at that time decided that <br /> they did not want fixed criteria. Mr. Murphy stated -that he <br /> would brin these recommendations to the Board for their <br /> review. <br /> . The Board discussed a memo from Mr. Murphy relative to <br /> Permit Office staff requirements and the fact that the work <br /> load has decreased. Mr. Murphy met with Mr . Virgilio. Ms . <br /> Rubin and Mr. Somerville to discuss recommendations and the <br /> proposed fall and winter Permit Office hours would be-, <br /> 10 :00 . . - Noon - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday <br /> and 9:00 a ,m. - 1 :00 p.m. ori Saturday. <br /> Mr. Hanson moved to keep Ms. Mary Roc w l in the Permit <br /> Of'f'ice on a limited bas is ( 14 hours per week) . Mr . Carter <br /> seconded the motion. All were in favor . <br /> The Board further discussed the Anti-Noise By-Law and <br />