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NENUTES June 25, 1996 5 BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "The wetlands variance is something we've never granted.' <br /> "'We have amended our regulations to allow up to a 2 ' variance if you install a black <br /> gray water systems.." <br /> Mr. Taylor, (abutter) stated, "The overall concern is with odor and if there is any <br /> noise. , `'As a representative of the homeowner's association their concern, primarily with <br /> odor, is that we do the most sensitive system that we can do so that we protect the <br /> usage.'' <br /> Mr. Ball stated, "I have no problem with a wetlands variance if the owner installs a <br /> denitrification system with a uV disinfectant." "I believe this merits a variance, how much <br /> f a variance is up to the Board." <br /> Mr. Penmann, (abutter) stated, "'That site does drain into the wetland M4 the <br /> corner." `Any rain storm at all and the water runs into the wetland, over the road and into <br /> the cover."' "After any rain storm of any size there is standing eater throughout that <br /> corner and throughout the road." "I my opinion, it is a very, very tough site." <br /> Mr. Bah questioned Mr. Pe man , "You being an abutter if the owner addresses <br /> all the concerns that we're talking about are you comfortable with that?"' <br /> Mr. eimann replied, "That lot sat their since about 1960 and it's a very tight area <br /> as it is." "Vere are other lots in the area for sale."' "I'm curious as to why someone <br /> would want to build on the lot when it's so problematic."' <br /> Mr. Stone stated, "To the best of my knowledge this is not a speculation home." <br /> Mr. Doherty stated, "There are a number of concerns that need to he addressed."' <br /> "One, the variance to the foundation, we've suggested a 1/2 foundation." "I would <br /> recommend you confer with your Tient and see if he is agreeable to that." "If not, you <br /> will have to cone back and address that particular variance." "Normally, sideline <br /> variances are not a big issue with us."" "The thing I m most hesitate n is the 2 ' sought <br /> variance to the wetlands." "We do have in dace regulations that pretty much allow for <br /> that if you put in a black/gray water system."' "I would like to see you suggest that and <br /> see what your client thinks about that."' "If not, we will have to revisit that matter and it <br /> will be up to the Board to grant that variance." "'Another alternative is if you put In a <br /> cop g stin toilet system you are also alto gyred a �� reduction M' the the leach g pit. <br />