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k <br /> R <br /> BOS Administrative eeting 6/2/81 <br /> Page 2. <br /> Relative to Mr. Norman' s request to speak to the Board to make his <br /> recommendations pertaining to the future osition of the Recreation <br /> Director, both selectmen present felt Mr. Norman should Put his re- <br /> commendations in writing. sel. Thomas stated she believes she under- <br /> stand his os.i. ion; that position (Recreation Director) has been ai <br /> controversial one from the beginning.. <br /> 8 The Ex-ecutive secretary asked the Selectmen if they, had recommendati-ons <br /> or any specific directions they would like hien to follow in filling <br /> the present vacancies .on' the Fire Department. . . those of Chief and <br /> Deputy, assuming the resignation of -tl -.Chief would be accepted at the <br /> meeting tomorrow. Set. Thomas stated she had spoken to Chief Willis, <br /> and it did not appear, he was going to consider changing his mind* Un- <br /> til s.0 h ;tire as a Chief is appointed, someone will- have to be appointed <br /> to be in chane. sel. Thomas stressed that she would like to have some <br /> sort of review board- of professional people appointed to conduct the <br /> interviews. She pointed out that people knowledgeable in the field <br /> are absolutely essential where this kind of appointment is being con- <br /> sidered it is a very sensitive position, and one that should be <br /> looked at as a long-term appointment for the Town. Both of the Select- <br /> ment present felt the position should be advertised immediately, Re- <br /> turning to the importance of the Dos i tion, Mr. Garland stated that itt <br /> was actually a saving of lives that is involved. Sel. Thomas stated <br /> that if a professional review board was not retained, she would per- <br /> sonally attend every interview - she does not want that position to go <br /> to "'a friend of a friend of a friend" . It Clare not carry political <br /> overtones - it is just . too im ortant. Chm. Garland stated that the <br /> sooner the better" we undertake the advertising and begin the review <br /> and interview process,. The Executive Secretary mentioned that the Klass <br /> Municipal Association could provide a professional service of this kind. <br /> hr . Garland asked if the Fixe Chief' s Association might not also be <br /> contacted for heli in this area. Sel. Thomas pointed out that she felt <br /> we must get someone to. fill the position who has had f i regi fhting ex- <br /> perience . Action: Both ,selectmen urged the Executive Secretary to <br /> place an ad for the Chief' s position and the vacancy created by the <br /> resignation of Iedei ro-s . ' soon as possible" Chm, Garland stated die <br /> had heard there might be another resignation from that department forth- <br /> coming. <br /> The Exec, secretary reported that the patrolmen exams were being given <br /> on June 3. Sel. Thomas- asked ecd how manor finalists remained. The figure <br /> stands around 1 . <br /> 10 The Executive secretary pointed out that he feels it is very important <br /> to pursue the building of- a DPS] facility. But more money will be needed <br /> for engineering funds. . hm. Garland asked what kind of building- would <br /> be given first consideration. Sel. Thomas reported that she had heard <br /> that they were looking at metal buildings. Mr. Murphy felt that was a <br /> viable approach; a solid addition could be attached for office space, <br /> if that seemed necessary. Chm. Garland stated that the we won' t need <br /> much in the -wayf engineering funds if' we go with the metal building; <br /> the comnies, who build them include that as part of the package. The <br /> Executive Sec. reminded thea that some engineering plans would be <br /> necessary before going out to bid. Sel. Thomas felt the preliminary <br /> plans that have already been drawn out to- be sufficient for that. <br />