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ti <br /> .x <br /> INUT-ES' ' F ADM=INI-STAT.IrE. MET'IG <br /> F BOARD' OF' 'SELEC'TMEN <br /> 'June 2 3 , 'l . l <br /> Chairman Garland convened the meeting at 10 : 00 a.m. Present were, be- <br /> sides Mr. Garland, Selectman Thomas and Executive Secretary. Joseph Murphy. <br /> l) Chm. Garland introduced Duncan ( "Scotty" ) Gould, and explained to him <br /> the thoughts of the Board in considering the appointment of an "Interim <br /> Fire Chief" ; with the intent that thi8 person {would "hold together" the <br /> Fire Department until a permanent chief is appointed. After the x-- <br /> planation, Ghm. Garland asked if Mr. Gould was ,interested in tackling <br /> the job, <br /> Mr. Gould stated that from what he has heard, there is an awful lot <br /> up� there to he tackled. Sel<. Thomas ,Stated that She wouldn't expect <br /> an Interim Chief to Solve all the problems up there that have been <br /> festering for Several. years. Mr. Gould felt that one of the under- <br /> lying problems up there is the -fact that there are some men who have <br /> a lot of ability and -Ment and have been taking courses to improve <br /> themselves , , ut' their talents haven" t been allowed to surface. .he- <br /> f eels they could rake good of f.icer material ,,.if given a chance. He <br /> cited Paul Fraser, whoa he feels is the best paramedic in the State, <br /> almost equivalent to a doctor. But then there are others up there <br /> who are causing. p.roblems. However, .thel iev the rest f the fellows <br /> in the Departr ent are- be" innin . t reali e,i'th'ey are wrong. <br /> Sel, Thomas stated She, feels everyone up there: as Something good to <br /> of fer, just needs 'to- here it brought -.out. -She asked Scotty what he <br /> had in mind for this interim period? He responded he would begin by <br /> r <br /> Setting up an "SOP" , and every day there would be housework assign- <br /> ments , <br /> Sign- <br /> ments , .i.e# brass day, window.,da.y, kitchen -day: , Every fire department <br /> Should have.. that'. 'H stated . <br /> that r we: have ; beautiful fire station, <br /> and on a he utif l day .+like thisw it' hould lbe'opened So the public <br /> could appreciate it - and it Should be kept -clean. But the morale up <br /> there is low - a few are dragging the others down. First thing he would <br /> do is get therm out of the habit of coming in and laying around -- get <br /> them into Some training. Se. Thoma.s acknowledged that they need to be <br /> motivated <br /> Mr. Gould also stated that they need. to have responsibility delegated <br /> and divided. There Should be Shift commanders; but they aren't given <br /> authority under the present Set-up, He also feels the Chief and Deputy <br /> are not getting proper co-operation from the men during these negotia- <br /> tions . <br /> egotia-tions . He feels -there should be an exam to determine appointment of <br /> shift commanders. But presently he knows the commanders are balking <br /> at accepting the responsibility because of the small money differential . <br /> hm. Garland asked how he would foresee the roster set-up? Mr, Gould <br /> stated that he would begin by breaking up the groups that have been to- <br /> gether too long, although he stated that Paul Fraser' s group is a good <br /> working group. . . . , others are more lax. But they all represent the <br /> Town. It's going to be a tough apple to crack up there. Gh . Garland <br /> asked if he thought he could do it Mr. Gould responded that, he would <br /> like to try, <br />