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• <br /> Administrative Mtga of Bo <br /> 6/23/81 , <br /> Pace 2 . <br /> Sel. Thomas asked, "what about your present job?" r. Gould replied <br /> that he would have to dive his notice there. . * .this is m r i "my <br /> line, .,- most of tY fel lows r�v had any real supervision <br /> on any job. r thinly I could dive it to thea, Sel. Thomas asked if <br /> he was going to apply for the permanent job as Chief. fir. Gould re- <br /> plied ' that he might late- - "it would he hard to work and het the <br /> .depar mment in shape, and thea leave" , <br /> sel * Thomas asked for information on Mr. Gould' s background. He replied <br /> that he had been in the New York City Fire Department for 21 years , <br /> had been a lieutenant for ten of. those, and a captain, for 4 years. He <br /> had specialized iri giving fire prevention programs - set them up in <br /> schools , nursing homes, etc. IHe had presented demonstrations and talks <br /> to clubs and or ani ations. . .El s , . etc. <br /> el. Thomas asked how he perceived his role in future planning., Mr. <br /> stated that this has b eery the problem little planning has been taking <br /> place. one things he would life to do is emphasize training, using <br /> mock fires as one method, For instance, there would he a rock fire- <br /> fighting <br /> ire-fi hti c exercise played out in, a place like Angelo'.s;- on "a Sunday. He <br /> also feels there should he k o:re,pre-planning, as'-how o! prepare to <br /> fight a fire in New Seabury,` as.. ars, example: e l. Tho me' a - entioned that <br /> she felt "hull sessions' with -Ehe members of the Department are also <br /> important. Mr. Gould agreed that they are very important. The Chief� <br /> should observe n epe -atioiV ' n then o. over what happened and point <br /> out the mistal es. He 1 liev s the men want r <br /> ntr that "You- have nen up <br /> there willing to learn - they are always studying and taking courses . <br /> hm. Garland thea asked if Mr. Gould - felt he could deal. with the <br /> recalcitrants? Mr. Gould responded that it would tale time, but he <br /> thinks he can. Chm, Garland then asked, if Mr. Gould does assume the <br /> position, and someone is not pulling his share - how would he get the <br /> person back in line? or, would he have the nerve to drop a man if he <br /> couldn't be brought luck in line Mr. Gould responded that it was his <br /> intention .to l Post duties , and see that they are performed, a.nd, 2. . <br /> to have monthly meetings with the men for dive and take, However,, if <br /> a man disobeys an order, he gets' 3 days without pay, the second time <br /> he gets a week without pay, and the third time he is "down the road" . <br /> But he would first male ev ery attempt - and talk to a amara that seemed <br /> to be headed that way. However, he feels it is life the military -- if <br /> a Aman disobeys an order, he has to receive some punishment. He also <br /> feels everything should be in written form. Mr. Gould knows of one <br /> party in particular who is causing a food deal of trouble up there, and <br /> will have to he dealt with, sel. Thomas stated that 'if this man's <br /> energy can be re-directed, he could tura a trouble-maker into an ex- <br /> cellent officer. Mr.. ould agreed - "exactly" <br /> Nor. Garland asked if there were any more questions - theme being none, <br /> he thanked "Scotty" for coming in. Subsequently, Sel. Thomas asked <br /> hm, Garland if Sel, O'Connell is aware of Mr. Gould' s background and <br /> his interest In the job. Mr. Garland said yes , he is a good friend of <br /> Kevin' s. Chm, Garland thea stated that he would like to appoint <br /> Scotty as Interim Chief , and invite him to file ars application for the <br /> position of Permanent Fire Chief. He definitely warts someone in. charge <br /> up there by the time Chief Willis Leaves . <br /> el. Thomas concured - and thinks Mr. Gould should he asked to have his <br /> physical as soon as p9ssible - and appointment should confirm to Joe <br /> eardon' s recommendation, and be for 90 days , <br />