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4 <br /> Bos Administrative Mtg. <br /> IL 6/23/81, <br /> ` if <br /> 'age 3 <br /> The Executive Secretary- asked if the search for the new Fire Chief <br /> is to be continued as previously' discussed.` Both Selectmen felt <br /> it was important for the search to be conducted as originally planned, <br /> and all applicants should be required to take a test. . . .including Mr. <br /> Gould. Mr.* Garland trssed i that he i felt the test should -be.L weighted <br /> { towards admin-istratie s .- sel.f Thomas feels . i,t should .also <br /> evaluate' common sense <br /> . - <br /> The Executive Secretary. reported that the Personnel Board had met the <br /> previous night. John weld had proposed the seperate unit for lieu- <br /> tenants , which took the Firefighters ' Association rather by surprise.. <br /> They did not resist the, idea. They are now asking increase, and a <br /> one year contract, plus an increase in the E. I.T. differential, which <br /> they want included in the basic firefighter' s rate of pay: They are <br /> also asking to be able to take their personal dans on. an hourly basis. <br /> The Selectmen were not amenable to this request; would only consider <br /> it if the number of hours complied with the mini' un number of call- <br /> back hours. The Executive secretary was pleased to report that the <br /> Firefighters ' representatives are now taking a "negotiable stance" . <br /> The Executive Secretary concluded that the next step would be to write <br /> a job description for the lieutenants position, and to advertise same. <br /> He also recommended filling the firefighter vacancy created by the <br /> resignation of leideros as soon as possible. However, he pointed <br /> out that if one lieutenant is a. p inted from inside{ the departri ent,and <br /> two from outside, it may mean some lay-offs . chm. Garland asked how <br /> long it would take to get the lieutenants on board, or- at least <br /> appointed. The Executive secretary replied at least 30 day's --- he <br /> would prefer six weeks , which is more realistic. The job description <br /> should be carefully drawn to i 9 nclude a lot of management criteria. As <br /> for the funding of the positions , the Executive secretary pointed out <br /> we will be going to a special. Town Meeting anyway, for the contract <br /> settlement , h.ich he is more aptomistic about right now. <br /> Returning to the discussion of taking Personal Days by hours,. Chm. <br /> Garland stated that he really is not in favor of this action. The Exec- <br /> utive secretary stated he would rather see the number of. hours -increased, <br /> than allow this particular request. Chm. Garland again emphasized that <br /> the minimum number of hours allowable would have to be the number for <br /> a minimum call-back, - if we have to go to that, <br /> The Exec, secretary concluded the discussion by reporting that John <br /> Weld is recommending a 7 increase, with which the selectmen concurred, <br /> 2 The Executive Secretary reported that the Juror List must beg refined, <br /> excludi. g those with statutory exemptions , The Town should core up <br /> with a random list of 37 - but if we don't have that many names to <br /> submit immediately, we should prepare an "interim list" . He pointed <br /> out that a -couple on the present list are town employees ,, but cannot be <br /> exempted for that reason, although many counter officials are exempt. <br /> The court makes hardship and economic decisions. This Board makes - . <br /> moral judgments, so he asked the Board' s cooperation. in' going through <br /> the questionnaires and passing along any recommendations to him, <br /> Regarding the petroleum bids , the Executive secretary is contihui-ng to <br /> analyze them. The company that appeared to be the low bidder had used <br /> the highest tank car price, which definitely influences the -price. <br />