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S ,administrative Mtg. <br /> 6/23/81 <br /> Page 4 . <br /> hm. Garland asked who submitted the lowest new price delivered on <br /> the oil, The Executive Secretary reported it was Atwood Co, o <br /> Hyannis <br /> On gasoline, the Executive Secretary -repo.rt d Shell was the highest, <br /> Tina was .the lowest, but he doesn I t of fer service. He reported that <br /> Mr. Dimaggio wouldr sent tomorrow at the 1 egular Meeting .of the <br /> Board, to hear the discussion. Shell bid , Dimaggio 7 3/4 , and <br /> Umina mina docs not have diesel) , Sel, Thomas asked if all had <br /> approved billing systems, The Executive Secretary reported they are <br /> all acceptable in this regard, hu t e ,Town Accountant would go over <br /> that with whoever •roh� the -bid award, anyway. The Executtive Secretary <br /> was a1s6 coir e n d about Mr. Umir a ' s phrase that he would be opera at <br /> night' "if necessary" ,, <br /> Reviewing the } i•ds, ihm. g arland observed that to go with Shell would <br /> cost approximately $600 a year more, and with Dilaggio would cost <br /> $500 a year more. ' D.imaggio l s station is the fartherst from the <br /> 41 <br /> Police/ `ire rr l �;y .cl s r t ftL4rHighway Department --� all fac- <br /> tor { t .e included.. <br /> � � i <br /> s <br /> Sel. Thomas asked if our nen could be allowed to pump .-their own, to <br /> save the Town some money. The Exec. Secretary responded that this <br /> would have to be negotiated, if it was going to be required. Some <br /> towns do require that now. - when we go to 'fuel storage center, that <br /> will he more practical , because the pumps will be under cover., <br /> The Executive Secretary concluded by reporting that he will have a <br /> reconmendation - y tomorrow, hopefully, on which bid to accept.. Chem. <br /> Garland asked if there was any problem with the fuel oil , and Mr. <br /> Murphy responded that there wasn 't; he is looking at the ' net delivered <br /> price" . <br /> Regarding the Finance Committee Meeting tomorrow night- to 'review the <br /> warrant, Sel. Thomas asked if they .are aware of all available funds <br /> The Executive Secretary responded that they. will be made aware <br /> Regarding the appointments , Sel. Thomas raised a question about the <br /> Special Police Officers and the Town' s responsibility. The Executive <br /> Secretary, responded that they '-are considered "temporary employees" and <br /> not under retirement system, unless they work a great many hours, <br /> 13 Regarding the appointment of Jim Ames , he is not ,elgible to be a <br /> Special Police Officer, because he hasn 't completed the course, after <br /> his appointment expires on June 30, 1981. It was agreed that the <br /> Executive Secretary should probably be a Special Police officer. <br /> Regarding the Tribal Council ' s letter pertaining to the Museum, the <br /> Selectmen present again felt it was necessary to defer it until the <br /> full Board was present for the discussion. Sel. Thomas suggested pre-- <br /> paring a packet of information for Sel. O'Connell , who 'has been ab- <br /> nt due to pneumonia. The packet should include smatters of immediate <br /> interest, minutes, etc. The Executive Secretary agreed to do so. <br />