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ADMINI -T TIV MEETING' OF. -BOARD'. OF' BELECTM N <br /> 'July '21,. .119,81 <br /> Present: Chairman Chester Garland, Selectman Jean Thomas , Executive . <br /> Secretary Joseph Murphy. <br /> 1. Mr. Mur by reported n the progress of negotiations with the <br /> Highway Department Laborers* He stated that they are <br /> on steps, Attorney weld is preparing a proposal to be presented <br /> to this Board and the Personnel Board, which' includes 3 steps , <br /> 2 years apart. Performance will be reviewed before step increase <br /> is granted. If employee doesn't measure up, -he will be given <br /> months to improve, or ship out. Sel. Thomas stated this has been <br /> a controversial subject for years; she stall believes in having an <br /> evaluation before granting step increase, as opposed to automatic, <br /> but she realizes this is hard to implement. <br /> overall, ' the Executive secretary believes that unit 'is in a "flexible <br /> stance' richt now. Sel. Thomas feels evaluations place a large re- <br /> sponsibility on the Dept. Dead. Chm., Garland agreed that the success <br /> hangs on .who sloes the evaluating. It should not allow favoritism., as <br /> o often -happens , <br /> Regarding the Firefighters negotiations , the Executive -Secretary feels <br /> they are at "ded center' right now. Unfortunately, neg tiations have <br /> become acromo .ious. Mr* Murphy has proposed a 3 year contract, which <br /> would eventually accomplish parity with the policemen. The Personnel <br /> Board is not of a mind to go along with his proposal, however. There <br /> could be some kind of a work stoppage, from which the Town would have <br /> to seek injunctive relief. <br /> Chm. Garland asked if the rank and file of the Association membership <br /> follows the negotiators . Mr. Murphy answered affirmatively, that they <br /> do go along with their bargaining tear. <br /> el. Thomas wondered if it would be possible to get together with the , <br /> Personnel Bd. , the attorney, etc. , to try to work out a position. The <br /> Executive Secretary feels that would be helpful; at this time he is . <br /> involved in a lot of mediating between the two bargaining groups. <br /> 2 Mr. Murphy reported that the Secretary/Dispatcher 's job has been in- <br /> creased by $10 .00 in weekly salary, and- the job is being posted today, <br /> Under the contract, present town employees must be given first considera- <br /> tion. Mr. Murphy knows of at least one employee who is interested. <br /> 4 <br /> 3) Mr. Murphy announced that a representa-tive from the Board has been re- <br /> quested to appear at the County Advisory Board Meeting tonight, as an <br /> Emergency Meeting is being called to vote on ways to reduce the County <br /> Budget by. $80.0 ,,000 as a result 'of State action. sel. Thomas nominated <br /> hm. Garland to be Mashpee ' s representative to that Board for fiscal <br /> 1981, a post which she had been filling on a temporary basis since Mr. <br /> Benway left the Board.' Mr. Garland indicated he would be pleased to <br /> accept, since Sel. Thomas is involved In- a number of other Boards , <br /> which she handles so well. So voted. sel, Thomas asked Mr. Garland <br /> to keep this Board informed as to what's doing on financially. <br /> el.. Thoma.s wondered if someone should be appointed to the Cape Ced <br /> Planning Commission? No action taken. <br />