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7/28/1981 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
7/28/1981 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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BOS Admin. Mtge <br /> 7~ <br /> 7/28/81 <br /> Page ,. <br /> questing a Town truck and driver to do the picking up with him. That <br /> means sparing a truck and driver at a v rP Mme of year for the High- <br /> way Dept Looking at the donations (.surplus) from a cost of festive <br /> standpoint, this makes the office equipment very expensive. The <br /> Civil Defense Director is upset about the situation'. Mr. Jacobson <br /> explained "that one of our trucks is being' repaired, and he really <br /> can't spare one right now. Yet, the Executive Secretary pointed out, . <br /> we don't want to discourage the Civil Defense Director, he has some <br /> ohne ti oras in the surplus office that could be of great value to the <br /> Town. <br /> el. Thomas wondered if we- couldn't sot one day a month to go around <br /> and pick up what is needed by each department - have them submit their <br /> requests by a certain day each month. Chm. Garland explained that it <br /> doesn't seem to work that way - when something becomes available, it <br /> has to be picked up very quickly, or it goes to the next Torn which <br /> has requested the article* <br /> hY . Garland continued that he believes , from conversations with <br /> Mr. Rollins , that the Town may get a truck, but that doesn' t take <br /> care of the manpower problem, if it were to be used to pick up sur- <br /> plus material. Mr. Garland wondered if Mr. Godleski would be male <br /> to drive the truck himself. <br /> Mr. Murphy emphasized again that Mr,, - o les3 i coos have some valuable <br /> contacts. <br /> el. Thomas wondered if there was any chance of getting a boat from <br /> that confiscated material, for the use of our Police Department. Mr. <br /> Murphy stated that he has heard that the material is held in a hangar <br /> at Otis , and Falmouth gets quite a bit fit. State Troopers also <br /> seem to come into possession of a great deal of ,that kind of thine. <br /> Chin, Garland stated that there is a boat there, but he doesn't think <br /> it is the kind the Town could use. Sele Thomas stated that if the' <br /> Waterways Police come under the control of the Police Department,,- we <br /> could have a boat on a trailer that they could take from pond to pond. <br /> The Executive Secretary asked how it came about that. water patroling <br /> was under the Police Department. Sel. Thomas stated it was transferred <br /> to that department several years -ago, for political reasons , and that <br /> it caused a great deal- of controversy at the time. She continued that <br /> Barnstable has a Harbor Patrol-, but they have a different situation. <br /> SELECTMEN' S QUESTIONS .. <br /> Chairman Garland asked what the situation is in the Police Department -- <br /> he has heard there is quite a bit of illness. The Executive Secretary <br /> reported that 3 personnel are on sick leave - one -with a bad shoulder, <br /> one with a broken toe, and Ms . Roderick for masons not known. Also, <br /> one cruiser- has been totaled. Chin. Garland . questioned why the Board <br /> is not being kept informed of these ratters - that he should not have <br /> to learn about them on the street, why aren't reports being submitted? <br /> Mr. Murphy stated- that he has been trying to get in touch with Chief <br /> Frye to get answers to some of these questions ; and will continue <br /> doing so. <br /> Selectman Thomas asked what the situation is in the Inspections De- <br /> partment? Mr,, Murphy e xpl i ned that the Personnel office is closed; <br /> Karen Hale is on vacation, so nothing can happen until he contacts -her, <br /> el. Thomas stated she understands Ms. Carter didn' t feel 'the job on- <br /> formed to the job description. Mr. Murphy will tape another look at <br /> the job description before hiring someone else for the position. <br />
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