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,F <br /> F <br /> BOS Mee ing <br /> Page 2. 1/20/82 <br /> Mr.. Livingston said that he ,had received a letter requesting that the <br /> comanr pair for advertising this Hearing. He explained that. s ince hold- <br /> ing a Public Hearing is not required by law, the telephone company will <br /> not pay for the Public Notice. He stated that all that is required b <br /> ' <br /> law is for the abutters to be notified. Sel . Thomas asked then if the <br /> Telephone Company• paid for the os tage. He aoknoleded they did not. <br /> However, he suggested a filing fee could be charged by the Town to <br /> cover that expense. Mr. Murphy explained that the Town is moving in that <br /> direction, and at the Anual Town Meeting will be asking for a vote to <br /> authorize the 'down Clerk to assess such a fee. <br /> Sel . Thomas raised the question that .if someone has a .light put on a <br /> pole at their private expense, who owns that Light? Mr. Livingston sug- <br /> gested making ,that inquiry of the light company, since the pole would <br /> probably belong to thea, he feels the fixture would, tee, and the person <br /> would only be renting the light. Sel. Thomas wondered if a Hearing should <br /> be held in such a case, to allow abutters to express this disapproval if <br /> they didn't want the light for any reason. Mr. Murphy will contact Town <br /> Counsel on this matter. <br /> I <br /> Hearing closed -at 2:19, <br /> NEW BUSINESS (continued) <br /> i A copy of a letter has been received in the Selectmen' s <br /> s <br /> office which. 'was seat to Atty, Robert Kahn, who is repre- <br /> senting the indians in their latest land suit case. This <br /> I <br /> letter (see attached) bears the names of 14 individuals who <br /> were listed as plaintiffs in said case, who- had not given <br /> permission to have their names . listed, and who .indicated they <br /> want nothing tov-do with the suit. [upon request, codes of <br /> this list were provided to the Press. Sel. O'Connell said <br /> that this list ifar from complete; he knows of others who <br /> have sent the same request to Aty, Hahn, but have not noti- <br /> fied- the ToWn., <br /> i <br /> Press asked if the Indian Suit would affect the South Cape <br /> Beach taking? Sel. O'Connell said that it could, but we <br /> don' t know yet if itwill. - He pointed out that the bill just <br /> asks for the authority to take the Beach, it sloes not provide <br /> the money t <br /> • <br /> i Press asked what Mashpee is going to do - about' the 'override <br /> legislation just approved. Sel. Thomas responded teat the <br /> Board has not made a 'decision. <br /> 2: 30 LANDF ILL CON TRACTOR• D•I S'CU S IN -WITH BOARD 'OF HEALTH <br /> It being 2 : 30ifSel. Thomas recognized emberst:)of. the Board_ of Health <br /> who were present to discuss the affidavits which had been referred to <br /> them fore review after they were received last week from the contractor <br /> * and his attorney, Town Counsel had just arrived, and placed before <br /> Acting Chairman ThomAs his opinion of the affidavits ., (see attached) . <br /> Mr. Lawrence , Chairman of the Board of Health, stated that the affidavits <br /> "dory' t -, .h w us anything" . He- continued that they are not- at all what the <br /> Board of Health was looking for. <br />