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w BOS Meeting <br /> 'age 2 . 1/27/82 <br /> earding the request for thi6 s Board to approve the <br /> the hiring -f a CETA employee to help the Town Treasurer, <br /> Sel. O' Connell moved approval. A vote. <br /> 4 ice-Chairman Thomas summarized a letter received from <br /> the Department of Public Works a committee on which Rep. <br /> Cahir sits , announcing additional -highway funds to become <br /> available to the towns. see attached) . <br /> Relative- to the recent big snow storm, theSelectmen- have <br /> received a Memo from the Executive Secretary reporting a <br /> balance of .$9 ,400 in the Snow and Ice Account. The anuary <br /> 23-24 torm cost $10 , 000 , It was agreed, it would -be <br /> necessary to go to Town Meeting. for additional funding for <br /> that account. Curtis Woodbury, a resident in the audier-ee, <br /> cave a stat em nt of how well mashpee .ls streets have been <br /> maintained this winter. He feels they have had much better <br /> attention than eithe those of Fal out or Barnstable, H <br /> would like to commend the entire department. <br /> Attached is a copy of a new law allowing. a wiking inspector <br /> to work as "an , in the community in which he is <br /> .employed', Sel . ' Conn i.l moved. the acceptance of this new- <br /> law, so. that some-one in Mashpee could be -aP ointed as � i-re <br /> Inspector, and still do work T in town. Mr, <br /> Murphy pointed out <br /> that this bill is desiign d 'to. helo small communities - like <br /> ours. It was a vote . <br /> f <br /> .7 Attached is a Memo from the Executive Secretary suggesting <br /> changes that-could be made in the Town Bir-Laws regardinq <br /> appointments made by this Hoard. Sed. . Thomas a;.sed -if am of <br /> these changes would be in. conflict with, the- "eneral Lavers <br /> Sel., Thomas asked if the Board nted' to- change the title of <br /> the Museum position, what would be appropriate? Sel . O' Connell <br /> would life to have it chanced to "Manager" , rattier than "Curator" . <br /> Mr. Murphy will send 'hi.s suggested chances to Tower Counsel for <br /> his review. - <br /> 8') <br /> i w. <br /> Two articles had been submitted to the Hoa rd by the Conservation <br /> Commission for acceptance in the Annual Town Meetina Warrant. <br /> Sel. O' Connell moved accerting both Article. - It was-. a vote. <br /> ' PUBLIC HEARING ON "THE FLUME" <br /> it being the pointed hour, Sel . vice Chai.rman Thomas convened -the Hearinq <br /> .requested by The - Flame , on -their - application to change the description of <br /> their premises <br /> Kathleen Franklin, Attorney for Earl Mills , Sr. of The Flume, appeared to <br /> request that this Hearing be adjourhed, and another rescheduled, Shb. said <br /> she had misread the General Laws , and therefore had not roperl ' notified <br /> the abutters . ' Seh assured full responsibility for the error, and asked <br /> that the Hearing be rescheduled and republished, at her expense , fc r Febru- <br /> a r r 17, at 2 : 30 r .ret. The Board. ovoted to oblige. Atty. Fran 1 in <br /> . <br /> a <br />