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Page 2 . <br /> OLD BUSINESS CON'D . <br /> 1.. Y 'f November 9 , 19 8 2 , and it is sti11 establishin . a new position. <br /> el. Garland asked where all the volunteers were that were going <br /> to help when these programs were offered. Chm. Thomas said she <br /> is not Opposed to getting help for the Recreation Director, but <br /> richt now she is not in favor of a new position title . She feels <br /> if the Recreation Director reeds help she should hire temporary help. <br /> Chm. Thomas does not want any programs cut. Sel. . Garland wants this <br /> to stay "status quo" until things are sorted out. Chm. Thomas said <br /> it would be straightened out at budget time . Sel, Garland' fee-l- it <br /> is up to the Per ohnel Board to set up a position. Recreation Director <br /> is to continue to pay -for temporary help under expenses . <br /> NEW BUSINESS : <br /> 1. Board discussed increasing trailer park fees . Motion by Sel. Garland <br /> to increase license fees on trailer parks from $9 . 00 to $12 .00 per <br /> month effective January 1, 1983 , subject to Massachusetts General. <br /> Laws, Chapter 140, Section 32G. Seconded by Chm. Thomas . This is a <br /> vote. <br /> 2. Board acknowledged the letter concerning winter hours for Rotary Li- <br /> quors of Mashpee from Ms , Julia. Backer. <br /> . on the safety policy statement, - Executive Secretary . explained 'that <br /> this is to insure that the Town is committed to safety measures and <br /> that the Town employees world in a safe setting. Sel, C rland moved . <br /> that the Board accept and sign the safety policy statement. Chm. <br /> Thomas said that this i -a vote . <br /> . el . Garland moved that the Board accept and sign the contract for <br /> professional services from Nass . Municipal Association fo submit <br /> job classification plan. Seconded by Chin. Thomas . This is a vote. <br /> . Board signed the Letter for Mr, John Bewick. <br /> . Executive Secretary asked Board to approve the use of the Town Hall <br /> for a soccer game and a blood mobile . The Board approved, <br /> . Board discussed the Visit building and how someone has applied for a <br /> permit to the Board of Appeals for a warehouse . Executive Secretary <br /> to send a letter to the Board of - ppeal about the Board' s feelings <br /> on this matter, Lotion by Sel. Garland to adjourn. Chm. Thomas <br /> seconded. This is a vote . Meeting adjourned at 3 :30 p.--m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Muriel McGrath <br /> Administrative Secretary <br />