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s <br /> Page 2. <br /> i <br /> Continuation of number; <br /> . Executive Secretary explained that the Charter commission only has $500.00 left in <br /> their budget and the ad is to cost $545.00, so he suggests the additional funds come <br /> from the Selectmen Advertising Account. He stated that there is $1,790.00 left in <br /> that account and that most of that will be used to publish the Annual Town Warrant. <br /> Set. Garland moved that the Board vote to authorize expenditures,--not to exceed <br /> $45-00, from the Selectmen Advertising Account to publish in the Enterprise the <br /> report on the Charter Commission. Seconded by Sel, Manson. This is a unanimous <br /> vote. <br /> Because of the large attendance to the meeting and the arrival of the Superintcn— _ R <br /> dent of Streets, Mr. Ernest Virgilio, the meeting went directly to the Mayflower Road <br /> discussion and to the letter from Mr. Rich Buchst finer pertaining to the Santuit Pond <br /> Development, which is in the same area, Crim. Thomas asked Mr. Buchsteiner to give a <br /> capsule of his personal problem that he had written about. <br /> Mr. Buchsteiner; "My personal problem is the drainage problem that we have in the <br /> antuit Pond Development. There is clot of drainage that cores <br /> off of Bayberry Lane into my backyard. Sometimes it is between <br /> twenty and thirty feet across and three feet deep and it is re— <br /> lative to the Mayflower Road problem, Because there is quite a <br /> pond over here and there are alot of representatives here today <br /> to discuss this problem, in fact we want to know what is going <br /> t_o be done about Mayflower and the neighborhood. We have clot of <br /> kids playing and any number of things could happen." <br /> chin, Thomas; "How far are you from the Mayflower Load Pond? I am just curious." <br /> Mr. Buch Leiner; "About four houses". <br /> Chin. .Thomas; "Alright, your are on record." <br /> hm. Thomas said that she would turn the meeting over to Mr. Virgilio, Superintendent <br /> of Streets, in as much as the Board asked him to go over there and meet with the De— <br /> veloper <br /> e— <br /> v lop r and give it a review and report back to the Board his thoughts as to the <br /> problem. Mr. Virgilio gave three schetches to the Board members that he feltoixld <br /> correct the problem, and the cost of each. He than explained that the first pre— <br /> sentation would be at the corner of Briar Patch and Mayflower Road. He than conti— <br /> nued to explain what could be done. (Schetches attached to original minutes) . He <br /> explained that these plans did not need to be done all at once, it could be done in <br /> phases. <br /> hm. Thomas; "Have you met with the Developer?" F <br /> Mr. Virgilio: 'Yes, on Monday morning at the site, but I did not however have the <br /> schetches at the time. I did speak to him about solution .and the <br /> need for fill in that area." <br /> One of the individuals in atLendan e asked why the job could not be done properly and <br /> get it dome once and for all, because it has been life this for- five years. <br /> hm. Thomas; "You have to remember that this is a private development and that the <br /> direct responsibility belongs to the develper.1' <br /> Someone asked who would be responsible if one of. the children drowned. <br />