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01/12/1983 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
01/12/1983 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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Page 3. <br /> hm. 'Thomas; 'That is of immediate concern to me. The Secretary tells me Mr. Bl keman <br /> the developer is going to be here at : 0 -o'clock.1' <br /> Audience; "We have all been around Mr. Blakeman and we all know Mr. Blakeman; he is <br /> going to be sitting in it summyside up if the Town doesn't get behind him <br /> soon. We are all sick of it. My house sits right in front of this mess. <br /> None of us get any satisfaction from Mr. Blakeman." <br /> Discussion continued, Mr. Buchsteiner said that now that the Town has some proposals <br /> from Mr. Blakeman what would the bottom lime be, who would pay. <br /> hm. Thomas; "The proposals are not from Mr. Blakeman, they are from the Superintendent <br /> for Mr. Blakeman." <br /> More audience discussion continued. <br /> i el, Garland asked Chin. .Thomas, that the questions be referred to Town Counsel. Chin. <br /> Thomas concurred. <br /> i <br /> Town Counsel: "I beg the indulgence of the people who had attended the previous meeting <br /> on ayflower-,. ad as what I have to say may be somwhat repetitive. We <br /> are dealing with a private way and it is not owned by the Town. Unless <br /> it is Town owned property, the taxpayers money cannot be expended, that <br /> is the_._law, and the state makes the law not the Board of Selectmen." <br /> More comments and interruptions from the audience. <br /> TownCounsel; "I would probably bring a- .suit against Mr. Blakeman if I = was in this <br /> jsituation. This is what I tried to indicate to the people who were here <br /> the last time. You have a private remedy, you can take action against <br /> Mr. Blakeman, who owns the road.1' <br /> More questions from the audience. <br /> i <br /> Town Counsel; "An other alternative is that the owners could petition the Town to <br /> j have the way taken as a Town way, The people in the Town have a right <br /> to object to their tax dollars, public monies, being spent to rake <br /> improvements on a way that the Town does not own. The tax dollar can <br /> only be spent on property owned by -the Town." <br /> Audience; "Why does the Town allow Mr. Blakeman to still build in the Town and how <br /> come the Board of Health still issues him permits?"" <br /> Town Counsel; 'Based on my understanding of the facts that were related to m , I <br /> understand that this particular road was in a subdivision plan which <br /> was presented to the Town Planning Board." <br /> Audience; "Which he was a member of." <br /> Town Counsel; " I don' t know one way or other whether he was a member at that time, <br /> he is a member now, but the fact of the matter is that the Planning <br /> Board approved the ways as constructed by Mr. Blakeman, and released <br /> Mr. Blakeman from the covenant that was filed by Mr. Blakeman. This <br /> means if a person owns a piece of land and he wants to cut it up into <br /> lots and lay out roads they have to go to the Planning Board. They <br /> hire an engineer, he in turn prepares a plan, than they come to the <br /> Planning Board, and present their plan, The Planning Board examines <br /> the plans to ascertain whether or not the road layouts conform to <br />
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