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Page 2. <br /> to the agreement which was signed by the Board and that- Department. Sel . <br /> Hanson asked when- the State is going .to start the parking lot. Chm. Thomas <br /> said that they are down there now. Sel . Manson .asked Chm, Thomas- to- try to <br /> talk to therm abt the Town owned land being used for parking. Sel. Garland <br /> questioned whether the State, can proceed with the parking lot without consent <br /> of the Town' s Conservation Commission. <br /> The Dolan' s arrived for the dog hearing and Sel. Danson eplained about <br /> the notice to Mrs. I orpela and told them the hearing would be continued on <br /> Friday, April 15, at 2 :00 p.m. <br /> 2. Board decided to wait for Town- counsel to arrive before discussing the <br /> Small Cities - Grant application. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> 1. ) Executive Secretary explained that the Board had inquired from Mr. George <br /> Ryan what chemicals he. was. planning to, use for gypsy moth spraying.' What <br /> his plans were for this year. Mr. Ryan replied that he planned t - use <br /> Sevin as he has in the past -years . The Board of Health was notified- and <br /> the attached memo is their' repnse . The Board of Health does not approve <br /> f Sevin. This chemical is not on the list-use from DEM. The Board Of <br /> Health recommends Bacillus thuringiev is B.T. ) Chm. - 'Thomas recommends <br /> that the Board ask Mr. Ryan to attend next weeks meeting{,to discuss this <br /> matter. Sel. Garland suggested, that a representative of- the Board of <br /> Health be asked to attend that .meeting also. <br /> 2, ) n the letter from Mr, Joseph DiMag'gio to the school. 'Committee regarding <br /> Hoophole Road, Sel. Garland- -move d that the Superintendent- o-f Streets be <br /> authorized -to review the sit1uation and make. recommendations to the Board <br /> on ghat Can be done within legal - and fiscal restraints put on the Town. <br /> Seconded by Sel . Hanson. This is a vote . <br /> 2: 30 p,m, - Board discussed the request of Commonwealth Electric 'to install a <br /> pole on Route 28. Sel. Hanson-. does not feel it is necessary. Board <br /> decided to continue- the hearing next 'week on April 20, 19 in <br /> order to check this out more. Board also requests that a represen- <br /> tative- from the company attend that meeting. <br /> 2 . Under OLD BUSINESS <br /> Town Counsel said that he had reviewed the Small Cities Grant application <br /> being submitted by the Town for Chief Grey Wolf Morar, Inc. Town Counsel said <br /> that when these people. asked the Board, a while back, if they, the Town -would <br /> submit their prelimenary proposal-, the Board had 'advocated it-. as they felt <br /> it was a good thing. However-, Town Counsel. said he is hard pressed to advise <br /> the Board to accept- this proposal. as it is written. He advises the Board not <br /> to adopt .this proposal in this form. He objects not only to the wording but <br /> some of the factual allegtions are not- accurate, Executive Secr'eta'ry explained <br /> that there is a time frame and . that. the proposal is due i n Friday.. After <br /> more discussion Town Counsel recommended that the application be submitted only <br /> if original intent (which was a community building for all the Towns '- people) <br /> is followed through. Board decided to have -Executive Secretary notify Ms . <br /> Bacow and Chief Grey Wolf that the application- is not. acceptable in its <br /> current content and form and see ghat can be done. <br /> hm. 'Thomas asked the Executive Secretary to explain the problems on the <br /> scheduled public hearing of the proposed village Concept zoning articles , <br />