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l r <br /> • <br /> Page 2. <br /> . HEARINGS AND -APPOINTMENTS: <br /> 6 : 10 p,m, - Chm. Garland aske5d i f Ms . Pauline DeLory wanted to start <br /> without anyone else present from the Conservation Commission <br /> as time had been already allowed. <br /> Ms . DeLory said that' she- would be willing to discuss the <br /> ' <br /> ratter of the. almou h/Mashpe hogs but would not vote on <br /> anything. Mr.. Robert Hallett and Mr. Donald L. Jermyn were <br /> also present. <br /> Chm. Garland explained that the bids 'on the' Farley/Garner <br /> bogs had been opened and that the Conservation Commission <br /> had recommended that the contract. be given to Mr. . Robert <br /> Hallett end Mr. Donald Jermyn# however th. - Board deferred <br /> this matter until oni-ght- in order to resolve the problem <br /> of two firms operating -a- single bock, Mr, Wayne Tavares <br /> arrived. <br /> . DeLo.ry explained that she thought that the specs that <br /> went out were for the Makepeaee property. She also . noted <br /> that Town Counsel had s'aid that these hods would be given <br /> to Mr. Handy to take care of. That is why she was confused. <br /> Chin. Garland asked Mr. Mallett and Mr, Jermyn' how they had <br /> interpreted the . specifications . They stated that they only <br /> bid on two bogs and that. Handy could have the other one,. <br /> They don't see any problem. <br /> el, Danson. asked if they would. have control of the water. <br /> They, replied. that they would. <br /> Chm. Garland read a motion that had- been previously prepared <br /> and asked if ,it was .alright with everyone concerned. <br /> He said-?" I move. the Board ' accept the bid of Robert Hallett <br /> and Donald L. Jermyn t , operate the Farley bog, so-called, <br /> approximately 5, 46 acres for the period ending December 31, <br /> 19 2 , in accordance with their bid and, the. speci f ications <br /> prepared by the Conservation Commission, and further, that <br /> the Board accept the bid of Handy Cranberry Tryst to operate <br /> the Mashpee section of the Garner bog, so-called, approximately <br /> . -acres for .the period ending December . 1, 1992 , in accordance <br /> with its bid and the specifications of the Conservation Commis <br /> cion. <br /> Everyone was in agreement, sel, Terry .r o-ved to adopt' Chm. <br /> Garland's motion as read. Seconded by sel. Hanson. Motion <br /> Carried. Chan. Garland thanked everyone for coring. <br /> Chm. Garland asked that a letter be sent to Mr. Hallett and Mr. <br /> Jermyn stating the notion and a copy' be sent' the Conservation <br /> Commission and to Mr. Handy, <br />