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y* <br /> Page 3. <br /> HEARINGS S AND APPOINTMENTS CONT INUED <br /> p,m. - Board had requested' all six inspectors .to be present to <br /> discuss the new procedure regarding inspections . Mr. John <br /> Newton, wire inspector, and the representative for the Board <br /> of Health was absent. All others present, After much dis- <br /> cussion the Board - decided with the approval of those pre-sent <br /> to receive in writing from the Building Inspector the decision <br /> of the wire, gas and plumbing inspector and himself, The <br /> Board of Health and- the Fire Chief would send in their own <br /> report in writing. Everyone concurred. Board thanked everyone <br /> for coming. <br /> 7; p.m. - hr . Garland called the public hearing n the request of <br /> Commonwealth Electric o ` .install. and- maintain one pole <br /> on state- Highway Route 28, Mashpee. <br /> Mr. Dick French., District Manager, was present to answer <br /> any questions . No one was against. Motion by Sel. Hanson <br /> to approve the -petition for per-mission to install and maintain <br /> one pole on Route 28. seconded by sel. Terry. Notion Carried. <br /> Mr. French asked if he would have to be present for each petition.. <br /> hm. Garland replied that this a...difficult' question to answer. It was <br /> left,.to Mr. F enoh. discretion wi'.t.h-- notificationthat. if' the Board or abutters <br /> had ques tions it would be . postponed until a representative was here. <br /> hm, Garlandasked Mr. French what the hold up was at New seabury,. Mr, <br /> French explained the expense and- how unfortunately they are requesting <br /> money up front' now. . He also said. that the cheapest way. of doing it had <br /> been approved yesterday. . Chm. . Garland thanked him for his information. <br /> Board thanked Mr, French for coming. <br /> hm. Garland asked if there was any other- business . <br /> Motion by Board to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7: 15 p.-m. <br /> Respectfully submritted, <br /> Muriel -McGrath <br /> Administrative Secretary <br />