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12/07/1983 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
12/07/1983 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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P <br /> Page 2 . <br /> OLD BUSINESSCONTINUED: <br /> . Acting Chir►. Hanson said that regarding this issue o f the boas he has <br /> spoken with Ernie, the Superintendent of streets about the water con- <br /> dition- on John' s Pond. Mr. Hanson feels that Mr-. Jermyn should b <br /> notified that if he needs to stop the flow he rust contact Mr. Virgilio <br /> or the Board. <br /> Mr. vircilio , who was present, said that the accumulation of water- is <br /> so heavy that they have opened up the flume to allow water to move <br /> down .river but the ,water lever is still coming up oven with the flume <br /> open. This is caused by all the rain we have been having lately. <br /> Act-inc Chan. Hanson said that the specifications should include Board <br /> of. s lectmen or designee to be notified. He also said that the 'river <br /> surrounding the bog should be kept clean of debris • . He wants good <br /> control over this problem. <br /> m. <br /> Mr. Wasil, who was in ,attondance, said that he had to have a sump-PUMP <br /> put in at his mother-in-law' s house as the water in the pond is 'so high. <br /> Mr. Virgilio replied that alot of water is leaving the lake, but the <br /> rein is the problem. With the water table so high .and all the rain. <br /> Mr.. Anderson arrived therefore the Board returned to the appointments <br /> and. hearings . <br /> Nor# ,Kenneth Anderson carte to review with the Board the report and findings <br /> of the Attaquin -Park Task Force committee and the cost to implement their <br /> findings. (Deport Attached. ) when Mr. Anderson got -to the part which <br /> recommends installing telephone poles which are really- cement poles with <br /> cables between therm to stop -cars from trespassing,,r_ s,-.-;.:: rid is-� <br /> that she didn' t like cables and she also said that she only -heard about <br /> what was going on lately and she doesn' t feel that' non residents should <br /> be allowed to use that beach. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Virgilio explained <br /> what was meant by the poles and cables and Mrs, Hendricks was assured <br /> that no one would be prevented from using the beach. <br /> el. Terry said that he felt the committee- had done ars e-xcellent job and <br /> had put alot of time into it. He commended the committee and said the report <br /> was wll put together. Acting Chan. Hanson -said that he feels food about the <br /> report but still has a few -questions to ask the Chief of Police such as do <br /> we need to have special police. lir. Murphy said that the chief would be <br /> scheduled to come in next week to discuss this area. He also said that he <br /> recommends a single article and than have a breakdown in the arti 1.e. -�.He <br /> recommends this to be put in the warrant for the special town meeting. <br /> Wendy Rubin said- that this years expenses -can only be included in the - special <br /> town meeting. Nor+ Murphy replied that the article could coo in at the special <br /> and it could be deferred to the annual town meeting.. Acting Chm, Hanson <br /> asked Mr. Virgilio .for a' tine table as to the -services required. Mr. Virgilio <br /> said that it depends on the weather but he felt that most of the services <br /> could be donne within three weeks. Acting Chra. Hanson said that he would like <br /> to review this some more . Bel. Terry said that- he would lite to expedite <br /> this and explain to the people- in February that only this years expenses can <br /> be appropriated at this- time and in May they will be asked for more money. <br />
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