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. Herb Shanker and, if he wants to serve, Earl Masters , were <br /> design ted as the Board' s designers to the Otis Task Force. <br /> . Selectmen scheduled a Special Town Meeting for December` , <br /> 1984. Deadline for articles will be October 2 , 1984, <br /> . Mrs .Thomas raised concerns about the- availability of <br /> expertise to the Conservation Commission, The Board voted <br /> to advise the Commission that when it determines there <br /> is ars issue of strong environmental concern in which <br /> members feel they lack the resources or expertise to <br /> evaluate the issue, they have the authority to engage <br /> the services of a consultant. Mr Terry said a con- <br /> sultant should not be brought in for everything but only <br /> those concerns that Commissioners feel they do riot 'have <br /> the resources to handle. Funds will 'come from legal and <br /> engineering account* <br /> in attendace were Mr. Hanson, Mr. Terry, Mrs, Thomas ,, <br /> Mr. Murphy, Mrs. Polka and Ms McNally of the Enterprise. <br /> The meeting adjourned at 9 :1a.m. <br /> L <br /> FW l 'tv <br />