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■ <br /> 5 <br /> i <br /> Board of Selectmen Meeting <br /> `" Minutes of September 5, 1984 <br /> Page <br /> r6(dleton 'O'Malley-Keyes re: Scallop Season cont. <br /> Mr. O'Malley-Keyes said that there are other areas in the Poponesset Bay area that have <br /> the potential of being impacted in the same way as the Mashpee Kiger which all ties into <br /> the quality of shellfishing available to the p ople in the Town of Mashpee. He said that <br /> Little River, Great River, Jehu Pond and Hamblin Pond also run the same risk because of <br /> the development and increased use. He said that the town can anticipate problems of this <br /> nature to increase (not decrease). <br /> Mr. O'Malley-Keyes said that the attitude is that shellfish are God given to harvest when- <br /> ever and however they want. He said that was once probably true given a small population <br /> base life Mashpee once had; however, if one continues to demand from a source more than what <br /> a source can r plinish either through massive regeneration or through '-expensive re-seeding <br /> programs, then you can assume what you have has a finite quantity. He said that because of <br /> that and other~ things, he is asking to adjust the scallop regulations for this season- to suit <br /> what is available. He suggested that scalloping be opened during the sane time frame -- <br /> October to March., but only on Wednesdays and Saturdays. He said that Saturday would allow <br /> weekend people and Wednesday is just a day in the middle of the weep which h "pulled out of <br /> a hat"; however, that he wants to make it difficult with the widest possible spread. He <br /> said that he would life the first two weeks of October to be opened to family permit holders <br /> only. He said that the rationale behind that was that taxpayers and family permit holders <br /> have rights and that theme are not many scallops to take. In a situation where there is not <br /> - 4 <br /> a commercially viable harvest for any length of time, it is his opinion that all family per- <br /> mit holders should have first crack at it. He said that was not an uncommon practice men- <br /> tioning that Nantucket does it that way. <br /> Terry asked if it was going to have an impact on the commercial people as far as letting <br /> ily permit holders go first in terms of the amount of people that would get commercial <br /> permits if they Felt that the family permits might fish out the place? Mr. O'Malley-Keyes <br /> said that if the commercial people were out there sim ultaneously, it would be fished out <br /> o fast. He said that he was trying to bring it down to a manageable level.. <br /> Jean Thomas commented that she thought he would have difficulty as he would be breaking a <br /> habit. She commented that the town is sharing the Bay with Falmouth and asked what would <br /> prevent their people from coming in? Mr. O'Malley-Keyes said that he hopes to get radio <br /> time in Falmouth to inform people and that it would be in the newspapers. He said that they <br /> would also be out there. <br /> r~. O'Malley-Keyes made reference to item #4 on the regulations -- only dip netting from boats <br /> or norld:e diving will be allowed. Talking the flats is not allowed. He said that by people <br /> walking the flats, a large amount of seed is killed. He said that by requiring people t <br /> scallop from boats, it would not be a great imposition. Dick Terry asked about the person <br /> who did not have a boat. Mr. 1Malley-Keyes said that there are sacrifices that have to be <br /> made <br /> Verne Thomas commented that he was stopped by the Falmouth warden and checked two years ago. <br /> The Warden commented that he was from Mashpee and that he could get a bushel and Falmouth <br /> people could only get a half a bushel. He said that he would life to see the two towns get <br /> together and have the whole Bay restricted so that when October 1 comes everybody would know <br /> about it. Mr. O'Malley-Keyes said that he and his assistants would be out there and that <br /> hey fully intend to stake life miserable for somebody who comes over and illegally shell- <br /> hes. <br /> hell.- <br /> hes_ He said ,that he would be talking' to Mr. Souza and anticipates his assistance. <br /> L 1 <br /> w <br />