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i <br /> Page 3. <br /> that time frame can be met. Articles can be prepared for the <br /> annual town meeting.. Chm. Garland said that this discussion <br /> should be recessed at this time as a public hearing is sched�iled <br /> for 6 :30 p.m. <br /> HEARINGS IN AND APPOINTMENTS continued-: - <br /> 6 : 30 <br /> 3o p.m. - Chm. Garland convened the public hearing on the all alcoholic <br /> beverages license for Carl' s. lir.. Murphy read- the publication <br /> that ,etas in the Falmouth, Enterprise. He also stated that Mrs. <br /> Caroline Gilligan had telephone earlier saying that she had, <br /> planned to attend the hearing but because of the snow storm <br /> she could not make it, but she is very much in favor of Carl' s <br /> obtaining their license. <br /> Mr. Murphy explained that Mr. Galasso had a liquor license <br /> but he failed to file his renewal within the proper tim <br /> frame. He also said that Mr. Galasso. had appealed the Board' s <br /> decision -at the state level and that a hearing was going to <br /> be held. <br /> Chm. Garland asked .if Mr.. Galasso had anything he wanted to <br /> ..say. Mr, Galasso said that he doesn 't go to his mail box <br /> very often so he overlooked' the notice* He asked that the <br /> notice be sent certified. Sel . Hanson said that as a busi- <br /> ness man it should be his responsibility. Mr. Murphy -also <br /> .started that most towns only publish the notice in the paper, <br /> e send notices as a courtesy. Chm, Garland asked if-there <br /> were any other .persons in favor or opposed. None, lotion <br /> by Sel . Hanson to approve the 'all alcohol.-ic- be'vera-ges license <br /> of Ottavio-Emma In . , d/b/a Carl ' s. Seconded by Sel . Terry. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> Board returned to discussion of south Cape- Beach. <br /> Torn Counsel recommended the Board anticipate alternatives, He <br /> suggested articles. and DELI abatndonning so much of the road as it goes <br /> through their property.' He also - recom mend d redefying the road that is <br /> not acquired by the State . Chm, Garland said his concern is that the <br /> state gets a steam roller effect going- to- 'get this dome. He feels his <br /> concern is for- .the-' Town Counsel said we should. get everything <br /> guaranteed as much as we- can. we should not - lose some o.f our advantages. <br /> el . Terry asked if we should do all of the project at once. Town Counsel <br /> replied that this would weaken our negotiating position. 'Chm. Garland asked <br /> what .are the liabilities on the actual pawed and paper rights. Town Counsel_ <br /> said that this is our position of bargaining. Both. Mr. Murphy and 'Mr. <br /> Reardon recommend that the Hoard leave things like they were last- week <br /> and have therm work on a time schedule including the articles . Chm. Garland <br /> said that this matter should be suspended at this time as the -Board has <br /> an 'appointment with the Housing Authority <br /> p.m. Chm. Garland said that as fir. Frank 3omeyer was the only one <br /> present from the Housing Authority he wanted Ir. Homeyer to <br /> know that Ms . Priscilla Harm. s name had been sent to the State <br /> -a nominee for the Town of Mashpeef Chin. Garland said that <br /> Ms. Ham is well qualified and very interested in taking an <br /> active part in the Dousing AuthorFity @ <br />