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Page <br /> oard returned to appointments and hearings* <br /> Appointments and Hearings continued <br /> 6 :15 p,r . - fir. Earl Mills, President of the Mashpee Old Indian Meeting <br /> House Authority, Inc. , carne to discuss with the Board his <br /> request to refurbish for historical reasons the ockway Chapel <br /> for this summer as this is the tri-centennial year for the <br /> Chapel. The Board approved his request and Chm, Garland <br /> asked Town Counsel if there was some way that the town <br /> could lease or allow the Authority to use the building <br /> for ten years* Town Counsel said that this could be <br /> done. Mr. Murphy and Mr, Reardon are to prepare a docu- <br /> ment allow''Ing the Authority to d this, Board felt ,this <br /> was a good idea. Board thanked Mr. Mills for coming. <br /> 6 : 30 p. r. Wendy Rubin, '.--.Recreation Director, had been asked to meet <br /> with the Selectmen to discuss the memorandum from the <br /> Personnel Board regarding upgrading of positions under the <br /> .A,P. <br /> Chir. Garland questioned why Ms. Rubin was asking for a gate <br /> attendant when she had no- proposals on how the, beach was to <br /> be run this year.' He objected strongly to Ms. Rubin' s . <br /> piece meal requests, He stated that her payroll was high <br /> noir. Ms. Ru in- explained that she did not necessarily want <br /> gate attendant, she had asked the Personnel Board for <br /> someone to do the administrative work. She asked that this <br /> be deferred until her proposals are available to the Selectmen <br /> on how the beaches are going to be run this year. <br /> Char. Garland also mentioned her request to the Personnel <br /> Board to pay a minimum of� three hours for special recreational <br /> aisles. Nis, Rabin explained that some of these aides only <br /> core. once a week and cone from other towns, She felt that <br /> this would be comparable to other towns. Chm. Garland continued <br /> questioning Ms. Rubin about how her, time is sperm and that <br /> as a department head she should spend more time doing admini- <br /> strative work. He also feels that she might spend less time <br /> getting all kinds of programs started and spend more time <br /> n- the programs that are established. M . Rubin replied that <br /> her programs were based on the creed. Discussion continued* <br /> e l. Terry asked i1 f Ms. Rubin was looking to have the three <br /> hours minimum approved. She replied that she was. Motion <br /> by Sel. Terry to approve the three hours minimum at $5. 02 <br /> for specialized recreational aides. Seconded by Sed.. Danson, <br /> Char. . Garland said the Board had heard the motion ghat was <br /> the vote. Sed.. Torry - I , Sel, Hansom - I. Chm. Garland- <br /> oppd, Motion Carried. <br /> el. Hanson asked about the fitness program for the Senior <br /> • Citizens. He stated that he would Like to see theca get it <br /> for nothing. Ms. -Rubin said that depending on -the. attendance <br /> it might be. probable. She stated that they do have waivers <br /> for low income so that they don' t miss out ' on any of the <br /> progra rs. Chm. Garland asked Fis. Rubin to prepare a master <br />