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hIV <br /> A <br /> Page 2 <br /> . Hanson made comment that Town Counsel was available by appointment <br /> 4rough the Selectmen' office on- Thursday mornings . 'He mentioned the <br /> departmen.ts who met with Town- Counsel last geek, <br /> APPOINTMENTS- AND HEARINGS:. <br /> 7 :15 p.m. - Mr. Robert Courtemanche carne to give an update on the situation <br /> of contaminated shellfish that .the Tribal. Council has requested <br /> be allowed ire their shellfish grant. Board reviewed letter <br /> from TribAl Council which contained the safeguards that had <br /> been requested by Mr. Courtemanche. He is however concerned <br /> with -the monitoring as he has had to stop some, of the-se people <br /> for violations. Mr. Courtemanche feels this would be a hard-- <br /> ship for his department. He also stated that if this is - <br /> .allowed <br />]owed he will have to notified the other grant holders o <br /> the availability. He stated that. he has .heard ,nothing more <br /> and as fa'r as h knows they are still - trying to get the <br /> state permits. He - said he wanted to meet with the Board just <br /> to keep them informed a - to what was going on. <br /> Sel. 'ferry inquired .whether. this would be in-vestegated by <br /> the state or if there 'Would be -spot checks or will it be <br /> done by in-house. Mr. Courtemanche replied that it is the- <br /> in-douse concept. ' He also said the state does not have the <br /> manpower. This is normally, dome by local control. 'Mr, Cour- <br /> temanche <br /> ourtemanche gave a list of problems that can arise .if this is <br /> allowed. <br /> el. Terry asked what the towns- responsibility would- be. <br /> "Mr. Court manehe said . the' towns responsibility on. a grant <br /> is to make sure no one is on the' rant without per lss-ion. <br /> Mr. Courtemanche said that the Tribal Council'.s letter states <br /> that they would close their grant for a year. <br /> Mrs. Thomas asked to be. recognized through the . Board so, that <br /> she could inquire from Mr. Courtemanche if the Town of Falmouth <br /> did not- have . the same -type of thing, ' Mr. Courtemanche replied <br /> that the town - usually runs this and they have a full. - time <br /> shellfish officer. <br /> Mr. Courtemanche explained that this is allowed as it <br /> N <br /> s clone by the towns, this would be the first time that indi- <br /> viduals would be in control of this . <br /> Hoard is very concern with the monitoring . and setting a precedent,. <br /> .Mr. Courtemanche said. that he is trying to .get in touch with <br /> the -new Commissioner of Marine and -Fisheries to set up a- meeting <br /> with the Board o Selectmen, Tribal unit and himself. <br /> Board agreed that they would 'be willing to attend this meeting,. <br /> They would like - to work- toward a solution. Board- th nked Mr. <br /> Courtemanche for corning <br /> Motion by' Sel. Terry to adjourn,, - Seconded by Chan. Hanson. This <br /> is a vote. Meeting adjourned at 7 :37 p:rnlb <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Muriel McGrath, Administrative <br /> Secretary <br />