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t <br /> ti <br /> e <br /> BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING <br /> May 2 , 1984 <br /> PRESENT: Chairman Willard L. Hanson, Selectman Richard L. 'f'err'y, Town Counsel <br /> Joseph J. Reardon and Executive Secretary Joseph F. Murphy. <br /> GUESTS : Mr. Curtis Woodbury, Mr. Earle Marsters, Mr. Livingston from New <br /> England Telephone , Ms. Michelle Stone, Mr. and Mrs, Ahti Lans , <br /> Ms, Arlene Hoxie, Mr. Ernest Virgilio, Mr. Harold Collins , Mr. Vernon <br /> Pocknett,, Mr. Jim Peters, Mrs. Vernice Polka, Mrs . Fane Labute, Mr. <br /> Curtis Frye, .,.Mrs. B. Jean Thomas, Mr. Samuel Re, Mr. John Wylie and <br /> Mr. George Benwaty. <br /> oo - Chairman Hanson convened the meeting. <br /> Motion by sel. Terry to approve the minutes of the April 18, 1984 <br /> regular meeting as written, Seconded by Chm. Hanson. This is a vote. . <br /> APPOINTMENTS AND HEARINGS : <br /> 7 :00 p.m. - Chin. Hanson convened the New England Telephone hearing regarding <br /> _ cable <br /> petition for proposed buried , conduit and' six <br /> pedestals 'on onomoscoy React i Matshpee. Mr. Livingston the <br /> repre.sentati re for the telephone company -said that some of the <br /> cables have gone }gad and need to be replaced. Chm, Hanson said <br /> that the plans showed that they were going to do some excavating <br /> of the road. ' He stated that Mr. Virgilio had just completed <br /> resurfacing that road last year and the town does not want it <br /> cut. Chm. Hansom asked Mr. Virgilio for' some input. Mr. Vir- <br /> gilio said that when they ask for a permit from hire he would <br /> have to look at what they want to do Very closely and they may <br /> have to repave 30 :fejt of road from the center. 14r. Virgilio <br /> said that he already had. a problem on Great Oak Road where they <br /> dict some work and now it is like a ski jump, Board decided to <br /> take this under advisement for one week in to allow the <br /> Telephone Company to clarify the situation. <br /> Mr. Lams asked where the cut would - ] e, The ext is to . be at <br /> Russell Road.. Ch . Hanson said this would be continued next <br /> week. More questions were asked which Mr. Livingston could <br /> not answer, Mr. Marsters informed Mr. Livingston that new <br /> housing lots would be starting soon on the corner and he <br /> felt it would be to the }gest interest of the telephone company <br /> to do the hookups now. <br /> Chm. Hanson closed the hearing. <br /> Mr. Earle Matrsters and Ms. Ilichelle Stone, both on the Planning <br /> Board, came to discuss with the Board the proposed position of <br /> the 'down Planner. They would like to have the salary level <br /> reduced, Selectmen agreed that once the position was established <br /> meeting would be held with the Personnel Board, Planning Board <br /> and themselves to discuss all the final details. <br /> 7 :15 p.m. - Executive Secretary, Joseph Murphy introduced Mr, Vernon Po nett <br /> and Mr. Jim Peters who carne to request the Board' s permission <br /> to use the ballfi <br />