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i <br /> Page 2. <br /> sel, Thomas feels this reduction in the speed limit does not ease her mind. <br /> This was the general feeling of the Board. <br /> Chrm. Hanson asked that -Mr. Kirphy send a letter to convey the Board's <br /> feelings on this matter. <br /> . The Board was aked to review the job description of the Natural Resource <br /> Officer. <br /> el. Terry asked that this matter be put on the agenda for the administrative <br /> meeting of Tuesday, June 19, 1984._ <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Mr. Murphy-a§ked 'that the Board insert an article in the Fal I special town <br /> meeting to amend the zoning by-laws by deleting Section 5.5. If the Board <br /> agreed with his recommendation it would then be forwarded to the Planning <br /> Board for a hearing. <br /> The Board moved to accept Mr. Murphy's recommendation. <br /> Fuel Bids - Mr. DiMaggio requested -tire to point out to the.-Board that Mr. <br /> M mph r split the bid which would result in 'double the work for -all parties <br /> Minvo <br /> Ivied. He went on to say that he has loo percent of what is required <br /> and that Getty has only 25 percent of what is required. <br /> Mr. Axphy pointed out that there is a 13 cent difference in cost if they <br /> were to go with Mr. DiMaggio. rather than with Getty. He also pointed out <br /> that the Department Heads an d T n accountant did not find a problem with <br /> splitting the bids. <br /> The Selectmen asked that Mr. Kirphy provide the Board with the differences <br /> in- money by next week. <br /> Being no further business the Board moved to adjourn this meeting at 7:45 <br /> to rneet with the Finance Committee down stairs. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> a4zx7 <br /> ?JOyc(eMason <br /> Senior Clerk. <br />