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k <br /> 4 <br /> Board of Selectmen <br /> minutes <br /> Wednesday, May 14 , 1986 <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> e 3 . <br /> Appointments & Hearings ( continued ) <br /> Mr . Drago, explained that the Cafe will serve dinner until 10 with <br /> the Cafe closing at 11 and the Raw Bar music has been off at 1 <br /> and will continue to be off at 10 with last call being rade at 11 <br /> and closing at 11 : 30 p.m. <br /> Mr. Barr agreed to see how this proposal will work. <br /> o - selectmen conducted a public hearing on a complaint filed <br /> by John Ellis, Theresa Cock, Hilaurie Mauro and Janet Walsh <br /> against Marcia Busby stating a dog owned or harbored by <br /> her is- a. n_u-i.s.ano.e and- is a.11.owed to .roam- f r e l-y..-. - Also., -it <br /> is alleged the dog has a vicious disposition. <br /> Mr . Ellis reported he filed the complaint because the dogs <br /> are always unleashed and on his property. <br /> Mr. Walsh stated last summer while his wife was walking with <br /> their two children the dogs attacked them making �t impossible <br /> to walk through the neighborhood without a club or bat. <br /> Ms . Daley, Animal Control Officer reports that Ms . Busby is here <br /> and did license her clods today. <br /> Ms . Buser advised the Board that she has taken step to enclose <br /> her deck with a gate where the dogs will star while she is <br /> gore. <br /> Ms . Daley felt this would be a scare area during the day <br /> but asked whzit would happen when she got home from work. <br /> She asked that the dogs be restrained at all times. <br /> Selectman Lawrence moved that the does are threatening and <br /> a nuisance and should be restrained at, all times . Selectman <br /> Thomas seconded. All were in favor. <br /> Ms . Busby was informed that she would receive written notifica- <br /> tion of the restraining cyder . <br /> 8 : 20 - selectmen conducted a hearing on a complaint filed bar the <br /> Animal Cor#trod.. Officer , June Daley and Daniel Evans against <br /> Mary Lou Grover stating that a dog owned or harbored by <br /> Ms . Grover is a nuiSaance as the dog is allowed to roam <br /> freely and is constantly barking. <br /> Selectman Thomas removed herself from the hearing as she <br /> Eeit she could not be impartial with Mr. Rogers being involved. <br /> Ms . Daley read numerous complaints to the Selectmen so as to <br /> give the Board a com=plete picture. The complaints were from <br /> August to April stating the dog is constantly locse or barking . <br />