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6/6/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/6/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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7/23/2018 9:53:41 AM
Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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developer to build, who would develop based on the overall vision. Mr. Connell stated that the process <br /> could not begin with a master plan, but must be developed with an agreed upon rule book/DNA, or <br /> form based code. Mr. Almeida agreed that form based code could build bridges to create a prospectus <br /> to attract business. Mr. Balzarini inquired whether Mashpee Commons had developed a street layout <br /> and Mr. Connell responded affirmatively, adding that images released in the charrette were examples. <br /> Mr. Almeida suggested creating definitions, but allowing some details to the architect. <br /> Mr. Kooharian stated that Mashpee had a unique opportunity to create its own identity and that FBC <br /> could help to visualize the future of the Town, different from the rest of Cape Cod, Mr. Almeida <br /> emphasized that everything was once new and that it was important not to abandon the Town's values <br /> and assets. <br /> Mr. Weeden thanked Mr. Almeida for providing a better understanding of form based code. Regarding <br /> the improvement of what currently existed, it was Mr. Weeden's opinion that Mashpee was <br /> overdeveloped and he appreciated what was in existence, and often preferred an older way of doing <br /> things. Mr. Weeden added that a number of Tribal members were in agreement with him. Mr. <br /> Weeden suggested that many appreciated the natural world, adding that the Tribal cultural tradition <br /> was based on the natural environment, as their spiritual place. Mr. Weeden stated that the natural <br /> environment in its natural state had been the Tribe's home for thousands of years. Residents who lived <br /> in the area the longest, appreciated less development. W. Almeida agreed that there were areas that <br /> were not appropriate for building, to preserve the natural beauty, which could be addressed in form <br /> based code, adding that green space was also necessary in planning. Chairman Waygan stated that <br /> there were areas within the boundary of Mashpee Commons that would be developed, but there may be <br /> land controlled elsewhere that could be linked to the high density development. <br /> Mr. Hansen thanked Mr. Almeida for presenting, referencing his interest in economic development and <br /> inquired about whether manufacturing could be served by FBC. Mr. Almeida responded that FBC was <br /> a tool and it would be determined by the Town what would be incorporated. <br /> The Board thanked Mr. Almeida for his presentation. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Charles Rowley Invoice for May 2018 Engineering Services-An invoice in the amount of <br /> $640 was received for Planning Board services during the month of May. An additional invoice was <br /> received for Southport, in the amount of$100. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a motion to pay $640 for the month of May. Mr. Kooharian <br /> seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to pay Charles Rowley for $100 for Southport services. <br /> Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> 8 <br />
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