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6/6/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/6/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Art, The Human City, Welcome to Your World, Art of Building Cities, Form Based Codes and the <br /> Smart Growth Manual. Organizations and conferences recommended were Congress for the New <br /> Urbanism, Grow Smart America, Form Based Code Institute, Main Street Now and Reurbanism. <br /> Mr. Balzarini suggested that a master plan with modifications could provide what was needed and Mr. <br /> Almeida responded that form based code would require the character that the Town would want. <br /> Chairman Waygan stated that it would be interesting to see how the Mashpee Commons master plan <br /> would change, following their charrette. Mr. Kooharian suggested that, rather than looking at <br /> proposed plans, Mashpee would identify their preference for buildings in a specific area. <br /> John Connell, of Mashpce Commons, stated that Mashpee was growing out of looking at development <br /> project by project. Mr. Connell suggested that current zoning was developed to place industrial uses <br /> away from residential, and commercial uses away from rural uses, which over the long term, created <br /> horrific looking towns, separating people. Mr. Balzarini stated that there was one development that <br /> could change Mashpee forever. Mr. Connell responded that the Planning Board was seeking a master <br /> plan, a big final idea, which would take 20-100 years to build. Mr. Balzarini responded that it would <br /> be developed in 10 years. Chairman Waygan stated that Mashpee offered wonderful protective zoning <br /> that has made Mashpee look good. The Chair was in agreement with reviewing code, standards and <br /> architectural site design and codifying it. Chairman Waygan noted that Mashpee was in tremendous <br /> need of offsets and was waiting to hear what Mashpee Commons would provide and how it would be <br /> different from the current protective zoning. Mr. Connell responded that, to address the needs and <br /> embrace the biggest vision for Mashpee; form based code presented a set of rules, much like DNA. <br /> The Chair stated that it was interesting that Mashpee was looking to step away from serving as the <br /> master developer, and looking to set in stone a plan so that future purchasers of the land could fit be <br /> integrated. The Chair would support consideration, as long as it was considered as one master plan <br /> with certain offsets, such as those identified in visioning sessions to include traffic, affordable housing <br /> and open space. <br /> Mr. Balzarini referenced the future and job opportunities in Mashpee and suggested the possibility of a <br /> train station on base to allow access to Boston. Mr. Almeida emphasized that form based code allowed <br /> planning to go from unpredictable to predictable and reactive to proactive to control the outcome as <br /> preferred by the Town. Mr. Lehrer noted that there were no jobs because there were no investable <br /> assets to interest companies, but it could change if Mashpee could develop in a manner that was <br /> consistent with a vision that accommodated those assets. Mr. Almeida added that FBC allowed clarity <br /> for developers so that they knew the expectations of the Town and needed only to pull a permit. <br /> Chairman Waygan inquired about uses that could be prohibited and Mr. Almeida responded that the <br /> focus would be form and place based, not land use and function and would be detailed, providing <br /> predictability, rather than negotiation by project. Mr. Kooharian noted that it was expensive for <br /> developers to argue every aspect of a project,but with form based code, Mashpee would have outlined <br /> the development they were seeking. Mr. Almeida added that changes could be made if necessary, that <br /> it could be an ongoing process. The Chair liked the idea of harmony between the blocks and expressed <br /> interest in seeing how Mashpee Commons planned to address the concept, specifically referencing the <br /> idea of incorporating three story buildings. Mr. Connell referenced the strength of form based code <br /> noting that, with an overall vision and as each piece was built, creating a strong incentive for another <br /> 7 <br />
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