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6/6/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/6/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Almeida described places like Back Bay Boston and parts of New York City as form based, creating a <br /> walkable space with sidewalks and open space. <br /> Mr. Lehrer asked Mr. Almeida how form based code would apply to Mashpee. Mr. Almeida stated <br /> that the Town's preference for more or less density would be determined through form based code. <br /> Mr. Almeida emphasized that it was likely that the Town would want rural areas to preserve their <br /> character, and would not encourage urban development in those areas and more business or mixed use <br /> development located in the more dense areas. Mr. Almeida recommended protecting the form, doing <br /> the legwork and creating a legacy. Developing the form would make it easier for developers to invest <br /> in the community. Mr. Lehrer summarized that form based code was a tool that Mashpee had control <br /> over to define how form based code could apply to the Town. Mashpee Commons could submit a <br /> proposal, but the Planning Board could modify or define how their vision could apply. Mr. Balzarini <br /> noted that they already had a modification process in place through Special Permits. Mr. Almeida <br /> pointed out that the modifications were case-by-case proposals, never knowing what exactly the Town <br /> would have in the end. Mr. Balzarini noted that Mashpee Commons typically got what they wanted. <br /> Mr. Almeida stated that the Town would have a wider range of control over form, not just the building <br /> or the site. Chairman Waygan noted that some Planning Board members consciously made the <br /> decision not to attend Mashpee Commons sessions due to quorum concerns and being put on the spot <br /> to speak without first meeting as Board. <br /> Mr. Almeida stated that form based code could help create great places. Community was defined as a <br /> combination of the public realm and the private realm and a balance of both. The public realm <br /> consisted of public spaces, civic buildings and commercial spaces that may be expressive and unique, <br /> places for informal gatherings, important institutions that were celebrated as the values of the <br /> community and centers to host commerce. The private realm defined the public realm and was <br /> described as buildings that defined the edges of the public space that should be normative and <br /> recessive, not as exceptional in architecture as the institutions. Building typology was defined by its <br /> location and how it was as an essential element of towns and villages, creating civic art, a combination <br /> of building types and town space types and their respective details. Syntax was the detailing of the <br /> architecture. <br /> Mr. Almeida stated that coding created visual harmony. Coding was oriented toward form and not <br /> land use. Four components of form based code was described as, vision centered, written as part of a <br /> master plan, binding public and private interests; purposeful, and priority driven, concentrating on <br /> regulating with emphasis on those areas that were prone to change; place based, code prescriptions <br /> carefully calibrated specific to the setting to which they are applied; and consequential urbanism, not <br /> an exercise in beautification. Mr. Almeida noted that form based code was an economic development <br /> engine, to deliver a strategy for improvement calibrated to local economic opportunities that the <br /> market could deliver, but not by creating an imbalance, but creating a path for business at the outset. <br /> Mr. Almeida discussed bolstering the health of the community with form based code with walking, <br /> connecting to people, breathing great air and beauty. FBC was precise and concrete and experience <br /> based and it was binding, creating standards that would be obligatory. <br /> Mr. Lehrer stated that he would forward the presentation to Board members. Mr. Almeida <br /> recommended books helpful in understanding form based code: American Vitruvious, The New Civic <br /> 6 <br />
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