Mr. Almeida stated that communities had used form based code for thousands of years, citing the
<br /> examples of Paris, downtown Lisbon and much of London. Development was controlled in such a
<br /> way to create something beautiful and so that planners knew what the area would look like. Form
<br /> based code allowed for a more efficient and compatible economic development in Town, making the
<br /> process easier for developers while identifying what the Town wanted, rather than the conflict of not
<br /> knowing what would happen next with conventional zoning. Mr. Almeida stated that, without a
<br /> vision, the Town would have no control of what could happen in the future. Allowed uses may not be
<br /> compatible with what was existing. Form based code would simplify the process for developers, not
<br /> by giving them carte blanche, but by controlling the form in advance, identifying what it was the Town
<br /> was seeking. Form based code would put the control in the Town's hands,with greater clarity and less
<br /> conflict.
<br /> Mr. Almeida stated that conventional zoning was one size fit all, with zoning setbacks. Once a town
<br /> reached buildout, setbacks could cause problems. Mr. Almeida suggested that defining form based
<br /> code now would create easier conversations and quality above all. Developers and architects would
<br /> understand what it was the Town was seeking, and make a determination whether or not it was a ft for
<br /> their goals. With conventional zoning, developers may walk away if they found the process too
<br /> difficult to manage. Form based code created less conflict with the developers.
<br /> Conventional zoning was a product of the industrial era as pollution was created and it was necessary
<br /> to separate uses. Mr. Almeida agreed that some separation was necessary but not every use needed to
<br /> be separate, creating boxes. Mr. Almeida suggested finding common ground and connecting, to create
<br /> a relationship. Towns were built and designed for people. Conventional zoning also separated
<br /> densities, small from large, but harmony was needed. Form based code allowed forms to work
<br /> together, creating thresholds. People wanted to love a place and have a meaningful relationship with a
<br /> place. Conventional zoning created disorderly growth, designed for cars, creating commercial
<br /> corridors, visual chaos, wide roads, setbacks and destroyed landscapes. Conventional zoning created a
<br /> focus on uses, desensitizing human relations. Conventional zoning offered no consideration for
<br /> people, was not inviting, removed nature and sidewalks, created wide roads for vehicles, which
<br /> promoted speed.
<br /> Form based code was defined as a method of regulating development to achieve a specific form,
<br /> creating a predictable public realm by controlling physical form, with lesser focus on land use through
<br /> town regulations, a method of regulating and coding that promoted place based planning and
<br /> development, creation of communities that were liveable, prosperous, social enabling, human
<br /> connectivity and beautiful, use of traditional town forms as visioning forms, disciplined, varied and
<br /> permanent town growth forming walkable, type diverse, and use flexible buildings and town places,
<br /> immersive environments to produce memorable permanent places, disciplines and validates existing
<br /> setting, promoted the design of new as integrated and connection to physical spaces.
<br /> Mr. Almeida referenced coastal communities' relationship to the sea, along with the history and
<br /> culture, which required protections to preserve the identity of the town. Mr. Almeida stated that the
<br /> Town could create whatever they wanted, protected bike paths, sidewalks, parks, buildings to the
<br /> sidewalk like historic towns, determining what was beautiful and meaningful for the Town. Mr.
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