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6/6/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/6/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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that the Board could determine if they needed to add a condition to the Special Permit Modification, <br /> The Chair added that they would need to meet again to sign the Modification, and following a review <br /> of the new information, if there is a recommendation to add a condition, it would be included in the <br /> draft Modification#2 for the next meeting, Mr. Lovely was unclear why an issue with the commercial <br /> building's parking lot would have anything to do with adding a use to the Special Permit. The Chair <br /> responded that a Special Permit Modification was their time to ensure compliance. <br /> The Chair stated that there was support for the Modification for the proposed use. Mr. Lovely <br /> expressed concern about the school's time constraints. Mr. Lehrer stated that the project proponents <br /> had worked very hard and had been great partners, bringing a complete application to the Board and <br /> had not consulted with Mr. Rowley and was unaware of the engineering issue. Mr, Lehrer stated that, <br /> had he known, he would have addressed the issue sooner and Mr. Lovely was in agreement. Ms. Starr <br /> inquired about the next meeting and was advised that it would be in two weeks, The Chair suggested <br /> that the use would likely be approved, but the vote would not be taken until the public hearing was <br /> closed, and more information needed to be forwarded to Mr. Rowley and Mr. Lehrer, allowing any <br /> necessary language to be added to Special Permit Modification#2. Mr, Balzarini inquired about ,State <br /> deadlines but it was noted that the State could not be contacted until everything was finalized in <br /> Mashpee. Mr. Lovely stated that he would collect the information tomorrow. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to continue the Public Hearing until June 20 at 7:10 <br /> p.m. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> A five minutes recess was taken at 7:43 p.m. <br /> PRESENTATION <br /> Rui Almeida,Form Based Code <br /> Mr. Lehrer introduced his mentor, architect and Westerly, RI Town Planner with 30 years' experience, <br /> Rui Almeida, to discuss form based code with the Board. Mr. Almeida first inquired about the Board's <br /> knowledge about form based code then continued on to describe conventional zoning as land use <br /> based, which did not allow for the humanizing of space. Form based code allowed a focus on form, <br /> rather than land use or abstraction, as well as focus on desired outcomes, such as a proj ect's <br /> appearance. Mr. Almeida noted that form based code was flexible and could be used by site or general <br /> plan or rural area. Form based code allowed design for human usage, controlling the form at the <br /> outset. <br /> Form based code allowed for the creation of places, attracting people because it was beautiful, <br /> meaningful, functional and safe, through design, Form based code allowed design for people, rather <br /> than cars, as had been done historically in the U.S. Form based code allowed for a town to determine <br /> what their town would look like and how it would function, Mr. Almeida noted that sameness did not <br /> attract people. People were more attracted to uniqueness and character, which came from history, <br /> identity, memory and heritage. Form based code allowed for predictability that would allow the Town <br /> to determine their vision and improve quality of life. Mr. Almeida pointed out that conventional <br /> zoning allowed for the developer to present their plans to the Town, leaving the Planning Board to <br /> determine from the proposals what they wanted for the Town. Mr, Balzarini suggested a master plan <br /> provided clarity. The Chair noted that projects were better following Planning Board review. <br /> 4 <br />
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