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6/6/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/6/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Chairman Waygan recommended the project proponent contact the DPW Director regarding possible <br /> signage that would alert drivers to children being present. <br /> Mr. Lehrer confirmed that the signage on the rear of the building approved by the Historic District <br /> Commission would measure 30 inches x96 inches. Mr. Lehrer indicated that he would draft <br /> Modification #2 for consideration at the next meeting. There was no public comment. <br /> Mr. Lehrer stated that it had been a pleasure working with the project proponents and Mr. Lovely <br /> responded that Mr. Lehrer had been helpful throughout the whole process. Mr. Rowley referenced a <br /> plan to be developed to show items that needed to be addressed. Mr. Rowley had visited the site, <br /> approximately in December, with Mr. Lovely. At that that time, there was discussion regarding the <br /> drainage at the corner of the building in relation to the children. Mr. Lovely stated that the playground <br /> was being relocated to the hill at the site of the-proposed second building, where approximately 1,500 <br /> square feet would be fenced in with a four foot tall fence. The new plan was submitted and was part of <br /> the package, though Mr. Rowley had not been in receipt of the package. Mr. Lovely confirmed that <br /> they met in December when there was discussion about placing the playground adjacent to the <br /> building. Mr. Lovely indicated that additional engineering was needed which they would consider in <br /> the future and Mr. Lehrer confirmed that Mr. Lovely would return with the engineering for a change to <br /> the permit. <br /> The Chair inquired whether Mr. Rowley wished to review the packet any further and Mr. Rowley <br /> responded that he did not have an issue with the use. Mr. Rowley referenced the other plan, stating <br /> that during his inspection, he noted broken curbing in the upper area of the center island in the parking <br /> area. The contractor installed an aluminum cover measuring three feet by three feet, extending into the <br /> driving aisle. Mr, Rowley expressed concern about whether it was a suitable design for wheel loads <br /> and questioned its presence. The plan showed two manholes in the island but not a square cover in the <br /> line of traffic. Mr. Rowley expressed concern without knowing the details of the cover, particularly <br /> with traffic circulating. Mr. Lovely confirmed that it was work completed by Robert Our for the condo <br /> association, adding that it was completed through Mashpee's Board of Health, to install a vault for <br /> wastewater treatment. Mr. Rowley suggested that it was an inappropriate cover for a driving aisle that <br /> would need to be addressed. Mr. Lovely would convey the information to the Condo Board, acquire <br /> information from Robert Our and forward the information to the Planning Board. <br /> Mr. Lehner recommended that the Special Permit Modification be made conditional to complete the <br /> work to allow the teachers to meet their State deadlines. The Chair inquired about deadlines and Ms. <br /> Haley responded that the State would visit in July and issue approval in August. The Chair suggested <br /> continuing the Public Hearing in case a condition was needed on the Special Permit Modification. Mr. <br /> Lovely asked why it could not be done this evening and the Chair responded that there was insufficient <br /> technical detail. Mr. Lovely suggested that if it did not meet engineering standards, they could replace <br /> the cover with a steel plate and submit the correct cover. Mr. Rowley wished to see the details of the <br /> installation if the Board of Health was in possession of the plans, in order to make a report to the Board <br /> to be part of the Public Hearing. Mr. Rowley recommended that the information be gathered prior to <br /> the Public Hearing. Chairman Waygan noted that requests to change a Special Permit was the time <br /> when the Planning Board could ensure conditions were being met. Board members encouraged Mr. <br /> Lovely to gather the necessary information for Mr. Rowley and Mr. Lehrer before the next meeting so <br />
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