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Cod Commission would have its own review process before the matter would be considered by the <br /> Planning Board. The resident expressed concern about the Cape Cod Commission rubber stamping the <br /> request because he felt it was bad for the residents and inquired whether the Planning Board had any <br /> say in the matter. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that the cell tower was an allowable use based on a Special <br /> Permit issued by the Planning Board and the Board would be deliberating once the recommendation <br /> was received by the Cape Cod Commission. <br /> The resident inquired whether their opinions mattered and Chairman Waygan responded that she was <br /> unsure whether or not residents would receive notifications in the mail from the Cape Cod <br /> Commission, as they received from the Town. The Chair confirmed that DRIB were reviewed by the <br /> Cape Cod Commission first or jointly with the Planning Board. The Chair suggested following up <br /> with the Cape Cod Commission to find out how residents would be notified about review of the.matter. <br /> The Chair also confirmed that Mashpee's Cape Cod Commission representative was Ernest Virgillio. <br /> Mr. Lehrer confirmed that he would notify residents by legal notice once Cape Cod Commission <br /> review was complete, and when the matter returned to the Planning Board, <br /> Timothy Dorsey inquired whether the Planning Board had a recommendation regarding the cell tower <br /> and the Chair responded that they did not have jurisdiction over the cell tower proposal at this time, <br /> The Chair agreed to attend the Cape Cod Commission meeting. The resident planned to visit Mr. <br /> Lehrer in the Planning Office to review the plan. <br /> 7:20 p.m. Applicant: William Lovely, Property Owner <br /> Subject Property: 2 Center St. (Assessor's Map 36,Lot 47) <br /> Request: Special Permit Modification to list 174-25(BIO), "Day nursery,nursery <br /> school, kindergarten or other agency giving day care to children, provided that <br /> any outdoor play area is screened by fence,wall or planting line from any <br /> neighboring residential structure and is not detrimental to the neighborhood by <br /> reasons of noise," of the Mashpee Zoning Bylaw. <br /> The appointed time having arrived, Chairman Waygan read for the record the public hearing notice. <br /> Owner of 2 Center Street, Bill Lovely, and Jane Haley and Maureen Starr, of North Star Montessori <br /> School, were present to discuss their application. <br /> W. Lovely was requesting a modification to their Special Permit to allow for the addition of a <br /> Montessori school, noting its similarity to a dance school on site, owned by his wife, a modification <br /> added 15 years ago. Mr. Balzarini, Mr. Hansen and Mr. Weeden had no issue. Mr. Cummings <br /> inquired about parking. Mr. Lovely reported that he counted 82 parking spaces, adding that the 20 <br /> students at the school would be dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon, In <br /> addition, the school would be staffed with two teachers and an assistant teacher. Mr. Cummings noted <br /> that the Bylaw required one parking space for every three students. Mr. Lovely also stated that activity <br /> at the dance school would be at night and, as a result, parking would not be impacted during the day. <br /> Mr. Balzarini inquired about school signage to slow traffic and the Chair inquired whether it would be <br /> required for a Montessori school. Ms. Haley responded that she had not seen required signage in her <br /> 18 years' experience. Mr. Balzarini expressed concern about the number of cars traveling at one time <br /> and taking a left into the property. Mr. Lehrer responded that the traffic study detailed limited impact. <br /> 2 <br />