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r <br /> } Minutes <br /> mahpee Cultural Council <br /> Monday,June 2,2014 <br /> Present: Barbara Cotton, Bruce Taggart, Lynne Waterman,, Madeleine Walsh <br /> Absent: Sarah Dailey,,Joyce Mason <br /> The meeting was called to order by IVIS.Cotton at 9:26 a.m. <br /> Minutes <br /> Motion was made by Ms.Cotton to approve minutes of January 2 ,,2014 <br /> Motion was seconded by Mr.Taggart <br /> TOTE: Unanimous of those present 4-0 <br /> Old Business—Community input Survey <br /> Members were provided by Ms. Cotton with an updated copy of survey based on questions agreed upon on January 27,, <br /> 2014,the results to be discussed at this meeting. <br /> New Business <br /> Katy Rankin-Read resignation <br /> Motion was made by Nis.Cotton to accept Baty Ran in-W eald`s letter of resignation <br /> Motion was seconded by Mr;Taggart <br /> VOTE: Unanimous of those present 4-0 <br /> Resulting Survey Compilation and Changes to Implement <br /> Discussion focused on the creed for additional publicity on the existence and function of the Council itself and on the <br /> need for revision of its guldellines.Of particular concern were the following: � <br /> Of the 96 respondents to the question on p. 1 of the survey, 71.88 were not aware that Mashpee has a Cultural <br /> Council. Members agreed that there is a need for additional lubliclty to increase community awareness of the nature <br /> and role of the Council through diverse means, such as expanding and updating information on the Council website, <br /> Posting and distributing fliers to various locations and everts of upcoming funded projects,and having a presence of the <br /> Council at community events. <br /> i <br /> Of the 86 respondents to the question on p. 8 of the survey, 12.79 expressed an interest in serving on the Council; <br /> however, members agreed with M . Cotton that there were problems identifying the identity of those interested since <br /> they were not given ars opportunity to provide their contact information on the survey itself. Ms.Cotton wiIf confer with <br /> Joyce Mason re.any contact information provided by prone or email. Ms. Cotton also suggested, in addition to posting <br /> a vacancy on the Council on its website{ having a Councill table at the Community Picnic on July 1 and distributing fliers <br /> to other groups there so as to increase publicity and seek responses of those interested in sewing on the Council. <br /> Other points of discussion re.thesurvey: <br /> Ms. Walsh presented the possibility of the limitation of information due to the issue of having no printed copies of the <br /> survey at various locations in the community. <br /> IVIS.Cotton posed the question of having another survey re.the age of the respondents to the survey itself and how that <br /> factor may have affected responses. <br />