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6/2/2014 CULTURAL COUNCIL Minutes
6/2/2014 CULTURAL COUNCIL Minutes
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r <br /> The limited number of intergenerational events was mentioned by Ms. Waterman- the difficulty re. the location for <br /> hosting any such large event was noted by Ms.Walsh. <br /> ash. <br /> Changes to MCC Website/Local Guidelines <br /> The following recommendations were made: <br /> By Ms. Waterman and M . Cotton: the need to create a greater awareness of the MCC by defining and publicizing for <br /> the general public what the MCC is,who the Council serves, and what it has accomplished <br /> By Ms.Waterman: to solicit new Council membership and promote greater attendance at events funded by the Council <br /> By Ms. Walsh: to encourage membership on the Council or applications for grants from those particular groups ,or <br /> individuals who expressed an interest on the survey in specific types of activities <br /> By Ills. Waterman: to include in guidelines a requirement for recipients of grants to state specifically in publicity-related <br /> materials that the MCC provided the funning or partial funding for the approved project. Ms. Cotton later added that it <br /> is a requirement to state the source of funding(in the application process). <br /> By Mr.Taggart: to include more specific language in guidelines re.the timeline for receiving approval <br /> By Mr. Taggart: to clarify for Council members that MCC funding of any project for the benefit of the town should be <br /> granted to those applicants who are not already receiving the necessary funding from a different source for the sane or <br /> similar project <br /> By Mr. Taggart: to emphasize that all reimbursement requests for MCC grant approved projects must be made to the <br /> Council itself and not another entity in town Ms. Waterman will recheck to ensure than proper procedures were <br /> followed for a MCC funded event held at the Senior Center.) <br /> By Mr.Taggart: to remind Council m embers that the revision of locaI guidelines must be completed by July 1,2014 <br /> t'reasurer's Report <br /> Ir. Taggart reported that a request for reimbursement was received for the ALL ABOUT 7 ART EXHIBIT. A subsequent <br /> tha n k you later was sent to the MCC a s well as a sarrnple Bier and brochure used for publicity purposes. Another thank <br /> your letter was received from the C tuft Center for the Arts for the MASH PE E VI E M OSAIC PROJECT. <br /> Mr.Taggart stated that that the town gives to the MCC for its use in fulfilling its responsibilities. <br /> Additional Topics <br /> Ms. Cotton indicated that the Council currently has$290 to put towards a publicity campaign. She also stated that she <br /> would speak with Baan Hyde, Superintendent of Schools, concerning a possible meeting with teachers in September so <br /> as to increase their awareness of possible grant funding through the Council. <br /> There will be continued discussion of the revision of the MCC Website/Local Guidelines and the publicity campaign at <br /> the next meeting on June 1 , 2014. illfr. Taggart provided copies of other Cape Cultural Council guidelines to review <br /> before that meeting. <br /> There being no further business,Ms.Cotton moved to adjourn <br /> Motion was seconded by Ms.Walsh <br /> All were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 20:59 a.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> _ 4 tn" - )�/I <br /> - <br /> Madeleine Walsh <br />
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