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2/25/1987 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
2/25/1987 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Minutes
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Board of Selectmen <br /> Regular Meeting <br /> • Wednesday, February 25, 1987 <br /> Present; Chairman, Willard Hanson; B. Jean Thomas ; Peter Lawrence . <br /> Also present was Executive Secretary, Joseph Murphy. <br /> Chairman Hanson convened the meeting at 2: 00 P. M. <br /> Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 18, 1987 were approved <br /> with a correction to be made by the Recording Secretary in Paragraph 7 , <br /> Page Three, "Asher's Path" to read "Briarwood" . Motion was made by <br /> Mrs . Thomas to accept those minutes and the minutes of the 'Executive <br /> Session of February 18 , 1987 with a second to the motion by Mr. Lawrence . <br /> The vote was unanimous . <br /> APPOINTMENTS AND HEARINGS : <br /> 1. South CLi uors . A letter dated February 11, 1987 <br /> was received fromapeia F acher, President of Rotary Liquors of <br /> Mashpee , Inc . d/b/a South Cape Liquors . The letter states , in part, <br /> "Due to Mr. Nolan's unexpected withdrawal of the application for trans- <br /> fer of license of South Cape Liquors , we hereby request an additional <br /> thirty-day closure. We are currently in the preliminary stages of <br /> negotiating the sale to other parties . " Mr. Murphy said-, "You may <br /> recall that in the Licensing Board Regulations that any licensee <br /> intending to close for thirty or more days shall do so only after <br /> approval of the Licensing Board following public hearing. This is <br /> the hearing". Mr. Bacher was present and said, "Due to a dispute with <br /> • the landlord , we are , at present, unable to do business at that location. <br /> Mr. Nolan's withdrawal on his application came as a surprise . It kind <br /> of puts us between a rock and a hard place . We figure since we can't <br /> operate , we can at least ask for permission not to operate. We are <br /> appealing in Court and hopefully, this will be resolved quickly. We <br /> had a verbal offer to purchase , subject to the landlord's approval <br /> so at least there is communication between all the parties involved; <br /> but have no idea how quickly it will be resolved. <br /> Mr. Lawrence said, "I don't have any objection to allowing <br /> the Licensee to close for another thirty days in Hopes that you can <br /> straighten it out. I don' t know how many more times we can do that; <br /> but I 'd hat to see us act i£. . .I mean it is closed now and we did allow <br /> you thirty days . . .I don' t think there 's objection for the Town for <br /> another thirty days in the hope that you might be able to come to some <br /> agreement providing it's allowable , Joe , to do it that way"? Mr. <br /> Murphy, "Sure . . . " Mr. Lawrence , "Since he's under appeal and even the <br /> fact that he 's having a dispute with the landlord that's under appeal, <br /> he hasn't actually lost the last chance to operate from there". <br /> Mr. Hanson: "The dispute is the location of the operation"? <br /> Mr. Hanson: "Are they talking about moving you somewhere else in that <br /> complex"? Mr. Bacher replied, "Originally, that was the game plan" . <br /> Mr. Hanson: "That wouldn' t affect anything as far as we 're concerned <br /> if he re-located in there . It would just mean to change the location". <br /> Mr. Murphy: "Again, you'd need a public hearing and the Board has to <br /> • <br /> ,L <br />
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