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4L <br /> 0 <br /> BOARD OF SELECTMEN <br /> MINUTES -- REGULAR SESSION <br /> TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 , 1989 <br /> PAGE THREE <br /> APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br /> #3 (cont. ) <br /> The site recommended for the middle school would be t h e <br /> parcel on old Barnstable Road. The school Committee could <br /> not recommend a Town owned site for the Jun for/sen i or high <br /> shoo I , but f e I t that the DV i s Shoo l wou l d be appropr I ate. <br /> Mr. Gottlieb moved to adopt Dr. DeMourafs report and <br /> recommendations as discussed, Mrs. Jacobson seconded the <br /> motion. Mr, Lawrence was in favor and Mr. Carter abstained. <br /> Tori Fudala and Ernie Virgilto were present to discuss <br /> possible land acquisition at Main Street and South Sandwich <br /> Road intersection. ' <br /> Mr. Gottlieb moved to insert a article concerning this land <br /> acquisition on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting, <br /> Mrs. Jacobson seconded the motion. <br /> . - Tom Fudala and members of the Conversation commission <br /> discussed artIcles for Conservation Comm i ss I on acqufs1tions. <br /> Mr. Carter moved to include the four parcels of lard <br /> discussed in the warrent for the Annual Town Meeting (riot to <br /> include the Bntult Pond/Baker property) . Mr. Gottlieb <br /> seconded the motion. Mr. Lawrence agreed to this, but was <br /> opposed to the l "'s property (also known as map 36, lot <br /> Mrs. Jacobson stepped down. <br /> Mr. Gottlieb ioed to authorize epprIsls on the parcels of <br /> land that were Voted to be inserted on the warrant. Mr. <br /> Carter seconded the motion. Mr. Lawrence was in favor, but <br /> was opposed to the Alis property (also known as snap 36, lot <br /> Mrs. Jacobson stepped down. Mr, Lawrence stated that <br /> these acquisitions were subject to Proposition 2 112 <br /> overrides. <br />