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.BPARD OF <br />MINUTES <br />TESD.Y, <br />SELECTMEN <br />JANUARY 159 1991 <br />Page 7 <br />Police -Sergeant Position: Memo from Deputy Chief of Police: <br />Chief Frye and Deputy Cooper were present to discuss the need <br />for one Police Sergeant within their department. With increased <br />incidents reported to the police and to limit potential liability to <br />the department for failure to supervise employees, they have expressed <br />the need to Fill the police Sergeant position. <br />The position could be sustained within the budget of the Police <br />Department. A. step three patrolman would fill the vacancy of Police <br />Sergeant. <br />Selectman Hanson questioned the procedure to fill the vacancy. <br />Chief Frye explained there is a. written exam, an interview process <br />as well as other considerations involved. The promotion would occur <br />within. the department. <br />Concerning the evenings discussion, Selectman Gottlieb asked <br />Deputy Cooper if there was a. choice of hiring the sergeant with one <br />less patrolman in the department or keeping the sane number of patrol- <br />men and sergeant's in the department, which would be the preference <br />of the two? <br />Deputy Cooper~ would prefer the sergeant position since he does <br />not want to be shorthanded in the department without adequate super- <br />vision. <br />Selectman Lawrence would like to view this as a trade between now <br />and FY 92, He will not vote to fund another patrolman in the department <br />with concerns of the deficit and the evening's discussion. <br />Deputy Cooper made note of the two patrolman's positions anticipated <br />to fill within the department* This is funded within the budget and <br />the Board of Selectmen have currently approved the posting. <br />The motion was made by selectman Gottlieb to approve the hiring <br />of the Sergeant's position as requested by the police Department under <br />the MA General Law Chapter 41 Section 9 A and further that the Board <br />specify that through FY 92, the vacancy to fill the patrolman's position <br />will not be approved by the Board. <br />Selectman Hanson seconded the motion. The vote is unanimous with <br />the Board. The vote is 5-06 <br />Employee Handbook for the Board to Review: <br />It was the consensus of the Board to place the Employee Handbook <br />Review at the next scheduled meeting. <br />Military personnel: <br />Selectman Lawrence made note of the two Ma.shpee town employee's <br />activated in the National Guard. Mr. l ederios of the DPW and Nor# Mace <br />of the Police Department are currently activated in the National Guard, <br />Selectman Lawrence has suggested the Town of lashpee make up the <br />difference of pay from the National Guard with payment from the Town. <br />The money is budgeted and less than the amount paid to the employee, it <br />may help take of the pressure of being activated and the strain on the <br />families involved. <br />