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1 • r <br /> ' BOARD OF SELECTMEN Page 2 <br /> MINUTES <br /> TUESDAY, APRIL 30t 1991 <br /> joint Discussion <br /> Mr. Conery informs the Board that tonight is a legitimate <br /> Schaal Committee meeting. They plan on voting tonight to approve the <br /> surplus amount be returned to the Town' s general fund, There will be <br /> no other deals or exchanges. It is the intention of the School Committee <br /> to prepay Cape Cod Collaborative. <br /> Ir. Harrington reported there have been two legal opinions <br /> obtained by Dr. DeMoura on the prepayment. Where is a. dispute with <br /> TovArn Counsel on the prepayment. If Town Counsel is not in agreement, <br /> the money will not go anywhere, <br />' Selectman Gottlieb asked of the reason for the meeting on Monday <br /> night? He was informed by Mr. Harrington who was an at ndee that the <br /> three...-Boards could go to Town Meeting with the sane message. Mr. Harring�- <br /> ton made note he was not invited, but referred by Mr. Vaccaro to attend <br /> the meeting. If the information was made available to the Boards, the <br /> meeting would not have been necessary, He finds it offensive to be <br /> considered in part of a deal. <br /> Chairman Carter asks the School Committee to vote on the transfer <br /> of the surplus money. Dr. Petti made the clarification that the S cho l <br /> C mmitteel s records have been available for anyone to see and the <br /> refunding of the parents user fees will come out of the School Department' s <br /> budget. Mr. Conery commented that once again the Board of Selectmen <br /> ,is on clue to stir things up to reduce the School Department' s budget. <br /> Selectman Lawrence has a. problem as to what the surplus is. What <br /> was the surplus and what was spent? <br /> Dr. DeMoura explained that this year was different with the <br /> contract negotiations of the teachers. This was not known until October. <br /> Money is in the budget because nothing was spent in the first two <br /> quarters. <br /> In order for the Board of Selectmen to make an intelligent d cis{ ion <br /> for our FY 92 budget, Selectman Lawrence asks again for the actual <br /> surplus amount. <br /> Selectman Gottlieb agrees to obtain the info n tion. of what was <br /> spent for FY 92 out of the FY 91 budget. <br /> Dr. DeMoura has estimated approximately $30, 000 to $40, 000 wa.s <br /> spent for FY 92 supplies. He also explained this was a rare year for <br /> the School Department, Monies were in place for the pay increases that <br /> didn' t materialize. With contractual obligations, the response 'is t <br /> budget for it. <br /> Dr. DeMoura reports of projected increases for FY 92. They include <br /> salaries, utilities and an increase of 9% in growth in the elementary <br /> level which would require extra books to purchase. <br /> Selectman Jacobson asks of the payment to the Cape Cod Collaborative? <br /> Dr. DeMoura reported the money is to come out of the School Department' s <br /> budget, <br />