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BOARD of SELECTMEN Page 3 <br /> lII UT S-MASHPEE MID LE SCHOOL <br /> MONDAY, OCTOBER 79 1991 <br /> isWarrant Review: Article 3: <br /> This article seeks to obtain a piece of land to make the road <br /> straight states Mr. Harrington. In teras of the actual construction <br /> work, there is no statutory timetable informs Counsel,, <br /> Selectman Jacobson is . concerned that if we don' t go through with <br /> the road would there be a. suit in the future if the road is not <br /> O pl ted' She is concerned with the legal ramifications,, <br /> The Planning Board has approved the road in concept and--=the <br /> understanding of the owners involved is for the road to go straight <br /> informs Counsel. <br /> Selectman Caffn. asks of the cost to fund this road and would <br /> all of our Chapter 90 finds' be used to find this road? The approximate <br /> figures derived from lir. Hicks are $50-55, 000, Nor. Fitch $60, 000 a.nd <br /> Mr. Taylor' s view is $75, 000. <br /> The road is approximately 4/10th s of a mile states Mr. Taylor. <br /> It is done on the basis of lineal amount of road. informs Counsel. <br /> Selectman Ca.ffyn Feels we should include the Tnon y cost in the <br /> article. There is no cost for the land states r. Harrington, The cost <br /> is implied states selectman Caffyn. It is implied cost of action <br /> relating thereto, It is not fair to pr .sentL..1t that way. <br /> In a letter from Mr. Virgilio dated in 1987 states Selectman <br /> Gaffyn, the estimated cost , should be known when presenting the article. <br /> The Finance Committee has also stated this should be contingent 'upon <br /> the availability of Chapter 9 finding and is recommended, in the Tarrant, <br /> The subdivision will be more valuable with this portion of the <br /> work done informs Mr. Taylor. We would be in a better position to <br /> apply for funds in a. bettor economy. The corner- is dangerous, especial- <br /> ly at night, <br /> The owner of the property has not paid taxes on the property <br /> states Selectman Ca.ffyn. The reconstruction is to derive from both <br /> the public and private sector, how do we ask the people to pa.y for <br /> this when the taxes aren' t paid' <br /> Town Meeting can vote to accept it, This further empowers the <br /> Board to consider it even if. at a. latex date suggests Counsel. <br /> Selectman Gaffyn suggests to indefinitely postpone this article <br /> until we have recieved the actual cost amount and present it at the <br /> next Town Meeting. with no quorum, there can be no decision to indefinite- <br /> ly postpone states Selectman ac obson. <br /> Selectman Caffyn has recommended that Selectman Hanson be informed <br /> of this article and the recommendation to indefinitely postpone it <br /> until the next Town Meeting, <br /> Town Counsel will advise Selectman Hanson. He further notes the <br /> Thompson party could probably get the road reconstructed cheaper than <br /> the Town. <br /> Emergency Barrd of Selectmen 1 eetin <br /> Selectman Jacobson noted the paperwork for the recall election <br /> will be available Tuesday at 4: 00 p.m. She would like to call an <br /> emergency meeting of the Board of selectmen on Wednesday, October 9, 1991 <br /> to set a date for the. recall election of 1ATil Hanson. : 00 �! <br />